Chapter Sixteen

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16. I Can Hear The Bells

Magdelena wasn't able to go to hear what Uther was announcing as Gaius had placed her on bed rest with threats of keeping her longer if she didn't obey. She had sent Baxton to go listen to the announcement until he learned what it was about, she saw on her bed reading a book when he entered barking, "Uther plans on marrying Catrina tomorrow?" she asks, he barks in confirmation and she throws her book on the floor in anger, "This is not good Baxton."

Merlin and Gaius enter both looking distraught, "I'm sorry. I tried. I gave it everything I had." Magdelena perks at his words, curious as to what he was talking about. 

"It's not your fault, Merlin. You did your best," Gaius says walking over to Magdelena with some bandages and a bowl of honey he was going to put on the wound.

"The spell of revelation is powerful magic," Merlin tells him, "And she could feel it, I could see she could feel it."

"Her magic must be strong, indeed, to be able to resist you," the sound of Merlin moving makes them both turn to see him heading to the door, "Where are you going?"

"To see Arthur! He's our only hope!" Gaius calls out for the young boy but he was already running through the halls. 

"He has a point Gaius," Magdelena says her wound was looking better, "We must do everything to break the enchantment Catrina has on Uther. More so if he plans of marrying her tomorrow."

"How did you-" he cut off by Baxton barking and she smiles, "I should have figured you would have figured a way to be in there."

"You are lucky I didn't go into the other realm to get there," Magdelena says earning a warning glance from the older man as he finished wrapping her stomach, and she puts down the shirt she had taken from Merlin's closet.

The wedding was about to start and Gaius allowed Magdelena to carefully make her way down to the throne room, but she was worried as there was no sign of Merlin. She was dressed in a nicer dress she owned which was a pink long sleeve shirt with a hood, and a red skirt which went up connecting on her shoulders, with her normal brown boots under the dress unseen. Uther wore his nicest clothes with his golden crown, and Catrina wore a white dress for her wedding, Geoffery stood up on step from them.

"My lords, ladies, and gentlemen of Camelot, we are gathered here today to celebrate, by the ancient right of handfasting, the union of Uther Pendragon and Lady Catrina of Tregor," The crowd was mostly those on Uther's council the lords and ladies of the court and a few other people that were dressed richly, as well as Gaius and Magdelena who stood in the back with a few poorer of the people, "Is it your wish, Uther, to become one with this woman?"

"It is."

Geoffery gaze goes from Uther to Catrina, "Is it your wish, Catrina, to become one with this man?" 

"It is." 

Geoffery looks out to the crowd, "Do any say nay?"

'I do,' Magdelena says into Uther who looks away from Catrina finding her in the crowd with a harsh glare.

'You are just a stupid servant, you are just jealous of me finding a lovely woman,' he snaps at her she just laughs in his head, 'Stay out of my head.' He snaps at her blocking her out as he looks back to Catrina his anger leaving as she smiles at her with such love, love brought on by enchantment but love none the less. 

The ceremony continues, with the tying of the garlands and finally, they are declared man and wife. The couple shared a kiss before they walked down the aisle heading to their now shared chambers. Gaius helps her back to the chambers where Merlin was pacing around, "Merlin what is wrong? Why were you not at the ceremony?" Gaius asks both concerned and cross.

"Jonas tricked me, the troll trapped me in her nest," Merlin explains, while Gaius puts Magdelena back on her bed, "What are we meant to do now?"

Baxton comes from nowhere placing his head on her lap as she begins to scratch him behind his ear, "We will think of something Merlin," Magdelena says, "I need to get better-" she is cut off by Baxton barking.

"What a brilliant idea Baxton," she says petting him vigorously as she kisses his face and nose a couple of time, "I must go somewhere, I have a feeling I may find exactly what we need."

"Magdelena you were stabbed in the stomach not two days ago," Gaius says looking at the woman who stands defiantly, "Fine, but you be very careful. If you come back in any worse shape I am going to tie you down to your bed so you can't move."

"I promise Gaius. If I come back more hurt I will lay in my bed until I am fully healed," she says before walking with Baxton through the room, "You two be careful as well, I may send Baxton to keep you informed." 

She walks through the halls the Lady Morgana was walking with Gwen smiling at her as she paused smiling, "Since when have you had a dog?" Morgana asks bending down greeting the creature who bows to her before allowing her to pet him.

"This is Baxton," Magdelena introduces, "I found him in the water reserves remember?" Morgana looks shocked as she had forgotten that had happened before standing.

"Arthur said that you had been stabbed, should you really be walking around?" Morgana asks making Magdelena smile.

"Gaius gave me the all clear for this one trip," Magdelean says with a small smile, "Which I best get on with. If you will excuse me, it was lovely to see you both."

"Will you join me for tea later?" the black haired woman asks Magdelena smiles nodding her head slightly before she makes her way down to the stables. Shocked to find Arthur in the pen with his hunting dogs.

"Who knew the Prince had a soft spot for animals," she says chuckling as he looks at her shocked,  jumping to stand up from his spot on the ground dusting himself off, "Don't worry your secret is safe with me." She walks to her horse Gilthunder who greets her and Baxton as she opens the gate.

"What do you think you're doing?" he asks, "You were just stabbed not two days ago! You are planning on riding a horse!"

"I have a very important job to do," she says gently as she guides Gilthunder from the stall, "Gaius gave me the all clear to go, in case you were wondering your highness."

"Did he know you planned on riding a horse?" he asks making her shake her head at him, "Then he would probably have said no."

"Yes, or he would have still said yes, knowing I would sneak out after he had fallen asleep," she says chuckling as she turns to the horse.

"Don't you want a saddle? Or reins?" he asks looking at the collection of saddles and reins sitting on a nearby wall waiting to be used.

She looks over her shoulder at him, "Gilthunder doesn't like reins or saddles," she explains, "Besides we go faster with no extra weight."

She goes to jump but two hands gripping her waist lifting her up onto the horse shocks her as she looks down at the Prince who stands there, his hands resting softly on her hips, "No need to put more strain on your wound," she smiles softly at the blonde prince.

"Thank you m'lord," she says, "Baxton, Gilthunder let us start off, yes?" the horse whines and the dog barks making the Prince think for a moment that they understood her, "Sire?" 

"Hm?" he looks up to her as she holds in a small giggle.

"You have to let me go," she says motioning to his hands which still sat on her hips, he quickly retracted them and she looked away as a small blush appeared on her face, before GIlthunder began to walk from the stables, leaving the Prince to watch as the three walked off toward the lower town.

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