Chapter Thirteen

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13. Campfire Stories

They made it out and decided to find a small clearing and make a fire, Magdelena was fighting off the hands of Merlin who tried to touch the large bruise which was forming on her face, " I'm surprised you would undertake such a rescue mission...with just the two of you," Lancelot says referring to the saving of Magdelena and Gwen.

"My father would not risk the lives of his knights for two servants," Arthur tells Lancelot. 

"And yet you disobeyed him and came here anyway," Lancelot sounded both shocked and amazed by the actions of the Prince before, he knew no other who would disobey a king or father. 

"Truth is, I only came because Morgana begged me to bring back Gwen," Arthur says, Gwen decided to head off to sleep leaving the four of them awake as they stared at the fire instead of each other.

"What of Maggie?" Lancelot asks Magdelena raises an eyebrow at Lancelot, "Did no one want her back?" Magdelena's mouth falls open as she grabs a stone and with great accuracy hits his arm making him flinch.

"Why Lancelot, being on your own has changed you," she says, "Last we spoke you were begging for forgiveness for seeing me nearly bare." Lancelot looks away as he remembers it, his face was slightly pink making her chuckle. Magdelena stays by the fire, as Arthur goes to get some rest as well, Lancelot goes to stand guard while Merlin stays next to his sister. As soon as the other two were asleep Merlin walked to take a seat next to Lancelot.

"Is it true that Arthur came to rescue Gwen because "Morgana begged him"? He has feelings for her, doesn't he?" Lancelot says staring at the servant boy sadly.

"He made me swear not to say anything but I feel as if you could use some good news," Merlin says lowering his voice even more before speaking once again, "Its Magdelena that Arthur came to save."

Lancelot spares a look over to the woman who was staring down at the fire in a trance, "That I can understand," Lancelot says, "She is unlike any other woman, I mean the way she befriended that creature and challenged Hengist with no faulter."

"Yes, she is something special," Merlin says staring at his sister before turning to look at Lancelot, "Gwen is as well."

"Do you have feelings for Gwen?" both were shocked as they found Magdelena standing right in front of them, "I know you do, you have since you saw her."

"Tell Gwen...tell Gwen that she has changed me forever, but some things cannot be," he goes to stand but Magdelena grabs his arm staring at him.

"Do not throw away love for foolish fears," she says, "You two may be meant for each other, but at the moment you have nothing standing in your way. Why not take the chance? Do you feel like you have something to prove?"

"I am not worthy of her," Lancelot says, "Not yet at least."

"By saying that you are worthy," Magdelena tells him, "Please, I know what it is like to lose someone you love, of never being able to have them. Don't put her through that."

"I am sorry Magdelena, please tell Gwen we will see each other again," Lancelot says, "If fate so wills it." He takes off running Magdelena watching him with pain in her eyes as he runs off, she watches until she can no longer see him. 

"If fate wills it," she whispers walking back over to the fire, Merlin sits next to her, placing an ar around her shoulder, "Merlin, why does life deal such cruel cards to those who deserve a win?"

"I don't know Maggie," Merlin says before she urges him toward his mat to sleep which he falls asleep quickly. Magdelena looks over at the sleeping Prince who looked so peaceful as he laid there, no worries etched his face, she could imagine his blue eyes staring at her as they had so many times. 

"The course of love is never smooth is it my Prince?" she whispers going back to staring at the fire as it slowly began to die just as the sun was beginning to rise. She heard movement and turned to see the Prince waking up, he looked around only spotting four instead of five bodies.

"Where is Lancelot?" he asks looking at Magdelena who seemed not to have moved the entire night.

"He left at some point after you and Gwen went to sleep," she explains not looking away from the spot where the fire once was. Merlin woke up and Arthur decided to head to find the horse he was sure was somewhere around their current position. Gwen woke up soon after and she looked around.

"Where's Lancelot? Where is he?" Gwen asked looking toward the forest thinking he may have been collecting something from the woods.

"He's gone," Magdelena answers with no hesitation, her voice sounded as if it hurt to say such words.


"He said that some things can't be. He wanted you to know that you've changed him forever," Merlin says Gwen looks sad at those words.

"He always wanted you to know that you would meet again," Magdelena says sending the girl a small, soft smile. Arthur arrived with his brown horse and a black horse behind making Magdelena smile as she stands, "Gilthunder I thought you would have gone back to Camelot."

'Not while you were in danger,' he says making her smile brightly at his unheard words, Gwen climbed on the horse Merlin had ridden, while Merlin got on behind Magdelena shocked as he felt the wings which were under his feet. They arrive at the stables, the four jumping off the horses as the stable hand takes the horses to their stalls while the four head toward the palace.

Merlin heads to Gaius who had been worried about both girls, Arthur went to take Gwen to see Morgana, and Magdelena made her way to the chambers where she knew Uther would be. She doesn't knock just enters Uther almost looked relieved to see her, shocked by the large bruise on her face which he did not have, "Who hit you?"

"Hengist," she says, "Don't worry he is dead, killed by one of the beasts he thought would kill me."

"Well thank god that you arrived safely back, were you able to escape with the serving girl who was with you?" Uther asks and she nods her head at him, "Good. Does she know what you are?"

"I don't believe so," Magdelena says giving him a small lie, "I best go greet Gaius." Uther waves her away and she walks through the halls she was suddenly pulled into a hallway, and into arms, as they embrace her, she tries to get away.

"I am so glad you returned safely," the voice of William made her growl as she pushes him off of her with a harsh glare, "I was so worried."

"I didn't need you to worry, nor do I need your embraces," she snaps at the knight glaring at him harshly. 

"Magdelena," he says seeing the bruise on her cheek, "Someone struck you?" He goes to touch it but she smacks his hand away.

"I mean it Sir William," she says, "I will not give you a nice warning next time, leave me alone from now on." She storms off from the hallway making her way quickly to the chambers of Gaius who stood waiting as he pulled her into a hug, one that she returned with a smile.

"Maggie, I was so worried about you," he says Merlin was no longer in the chambers, "I was hoping you would return back. Though that bruise is a surprise."

"Well the man learned his lesson," she says smirking at her Uncle who shook his head at the young woman, "Now must I make the salve myself or will you be helping me?"

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