Chapter Forty-Four

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44. Two Journeys in One

Magdelena reported to the council chambers before anyone else already there was Uther who stood slightly shocked at the sight of his servant, "When did you wake?" he asked her as she walks up to stand next to him.

"Not long ago, I went right to help with the wounded," Magdelena tells him just as the doors open and the rest of the council enters, Leon gives her a small smile to see her wake and she gives him a smile and nod. 

"Arthur give us the count please," Uther says and Magdelena waits for the horrid news.

"The dead number 49 men, 27 women, a further 18 women, and children are unaccounted for," he says, "Most of last night's fires are now out. The castle walls, in particular, the western section are near to collapse, I could go on."

"Do we have any further idea on how the beast escaped?" Uther asks the knight but Magdelena spares a glance at Merlin who looks slightly ashamed.

"I regret to say, Sire, we don't," Leon answers his King quickly.

"There must be some way to rid ourselves of this aberration. Gaius?" Uther and the council look over at the white-haired physician. 

"We need a dragonlord, Sire," Magdelena glances at Gaius looking at her, the title sounded very familiar to her but she was unsure where she had heard it before.

"You know very well that's not an option," Uther tells Gaius dismissing his thought instantly.

"Sire," Gaius starts, "what if...there was, indeed, one last dragonlord left."

"That's not possible." Magdelena looks over at Uther.

"But if there was." Magdelena turns to Gaius.

"What are you saying?" Magdelena looks back at Uther.

"It may just be a rumor." Gaius gains her attention once again.

"Go on," Uther says, Magdelena looks back over at the King.

"I'm not exactly sure, but I think his name is Balinor," Gaius tells the court seeming to be nervous about sharing this information with Uther.

"Balinor?" the name seemed to make Uther a little uncomfortable, and Magdelena realizes that he was the one that Uther had summoned to capture the last dragon by deceiving him thinking Uther wanted to make peace with the beast.

"Where does he live?" Arthur asks speaking for the first time since Uther and Gaius went back and forth.

"He was last seen in Cenred's kingdom in the border town of Enged," Gaius says, but that was many years ago."

"If this man still exists, then it is our duty to find him," Arthur tells Uther hoping he will be sent to retrieve the man.

"Our treaty with Cenred no longer holds. We are at war. If they discovered you beyond our border, they would kill you," Uther tells Arthur dismissing yet another idea too soon.

"I will go alone." Arthur decides even though when he said 'alone' he meant him and Merlin were going. 


"That way I will not be detected," Arthur tells him. 

"No, Arthur. It is too dangerous."

"More dangerous than staying here?" Arthur asks slightly outraged by his father's words, "I'll not stand by and watch my men die when I have the chance to save them."

"I have given you my orders."

"Do not make this a test of wills, Father."

"I'm not talking to you as a father, I'm talking to you as a king!" Uther snaps at his son in a voice which usually mean the end of the discussion that usually sided with Uther.

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