Chapter Two

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02. Magdalena's Return

Magdelena rode hard arriving at the gates of Camelot in record time she was meant to have been gone for only six days but thanks to the Soothsayer her trip had been two weeks, and the tournament was tomorrow. Gilthunder had put the glamour back on and was now a regular black horse, she trotted through the lower town everyone thrilled about the tournament. She jumped off Gilthunder as she entered the stables, removing the saddle and bags as he walked into his stall. She put the saddle in its spot on the wall before she closed the gate and headed to Gaius' chambers. 

Gaius turned his eyes wide at the sight of her, "Maggie where have you been?" he asks as she drops her things on her bed and grabbing the parchment, "Uther is furious, you were meant to be back a week ago."

"Well I can explain that to him," she says, "I shall return after my meeting with the King." Magdelena spares the older man no more words as she leaves the chambers almost as quickly as she entered. She went to the throne room where she was sure he was having dinner, she didn't bother knocking or allowing the knights to open the doors as she entered.

"Who do you-" the king starts until he notices who was standing at the middle of the doors, "Where have you been? We routed out the road which should have only taken three days to get there and three days to get back."

"Well, the quest was more hospital and I stayed a few extra days," Magdelena says walking forward ignoring the fact that the Prince was watching her almost every move, "Here is the information you requested."

"Yes well," Uther says taking the paper and skimming over it, "Place it in my chambers then go get some rest. The tournament starts tomorrow."

"Wonderful," she says grabbing the paper for his hand, "Pardon my intrusion Prince Arthur, enjoy the rest of your meal. See you later Merlin." The three men watch her as she walks out of the room, there was something slightly off about her, but none of them could think of what. She walked to the King's chambers placing the rolled paper on his desk before she glances around the room, it was pretty clean, he probably found a servant to do it until she returned.

She exits making her way toward the physician's chambers taking her time as she walked through the familiar halls. Not realizing that the moon had risen, and fallen and it was already early morning. She thought about how her life had changed in the past year since Merlin had arrived. She was so lost in thought she didn't see the Lady Morgana and Gwen walking her way as she ran into the women, "Lady Morgana, what a pleasure to see you," she says smiling, "It has been some time since our last encounter, how have you been?"

"I have been well, how have you been Maggie?" Lady Morgana asks the lady with a soft gentle smile.

"Quite well, I apologize for running into you, I was lost in thought," Magdalena explains.

"Would you care to walk with us?" Lady Morgana asks, Magdelena agrees and walks on the other side of the lady, while the three walks through the halls speaking of nothing in particular, "Will you be attending the tournament?"

"I believe that Uther is having me there as his servant yes," Maggie says, "I heard a rumor the Prince will not be participating this year."

"Yes, he heard news of a beast," Lady Morgana says, "Arthur must be throwing a fit having to miss out on another chance to impress his father and prove himself to the people."

"Is he not proving himself by missing the tournament to protect the towns farther away from the castle?" Magdelena asks, Lady Morgana looks at her blinking as realization sets in.

"How do you always do that Maggie?" Gwen asks, the woman in question smirks putting a finger to her lips.

"Tis a secret," she says chuckling slightly as they continue to walk.

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