Episode 1: Role Call

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"So this must be Silver Leaf High School.." said Valeria Kuro, as she looked at the map she was holding, "Hopefully I can live in a quiet, peaceful life by now."

You see, Val isn't exactly a normal person. No, she doesn't have any super powers. No, she does not have plot armor. The thing about Val is that all sorts of weird things seem to be attracted to her. Up until now, Val has been homeschooled. The only time she was in actual school was during the fourth grade. Even then, crazy things had occurred.

There was a child trafficking scandal during her time at that school, and the children at that school had began to sell drugs. Can you believe it? Elementary school children selling drugs? It was out of the ordinary, but Val's experience in this school was definitely going to be one of her weirdest moments of her life.

"Welcome to your first day in school," announced the teacher, Mr. Smith, "This is homeroom class as well as Language Arts, and the place where we'll be commencing our orientation. Since it's the first day of school, we're going to be introducing ourselves with a role call!"

Val looked at her schedule. Her school had little periods, but they were longer than normal high school periods.

Language Arts
Physical Education
Computer Class

Each class is about an hour and 30 minutes, even Lunch. This gave teachers more time to talk about their subjects and what they'll be learning about. The material taught at Silver Leaf seemed to be at a more advanced curriculum than other high schools. It seemed like most intelligent people attended this school

"When I call your name from this sheet, please stand up, introduce yourself and say two fun facts," announced Mr. Smith.

What a generic orientation!

Val paid lots of attention to the other students in an attempt to try and make friends with them. She has seen that in high school movies, having more friends generally made you a more liked person.

Kaleb Armani.

The young man stood up immediately. His attire consisted mostly of a white polo and black jeans. His skin seemed a little pale, and his hair had dark blue tint to it.

"My name is Kaleb Armani," he said as he introduced himself, "I like to watch anime and listen to rap. I look forward to learning with you guys!"

That last line was faker than a cheat code to find a legendary Bitmon under a truck.

Jason Born.

Neos Chara.

The young man stood up hazily, wearing a red hoodie and black jogging pants. His shoes and his hair were all a bright red as well. This person clearly liked a color and stuck to it.

"My name is Neos Chara," he said as he introduced himself, "I like playing card games and making videos on my TubeYou channel! Check me out at NeosChara Productions!"

He held up a peace sign and flashed a smile before he sat back down. This dude really just advertised his TubeYou channel! So bad.. yet so intriguing. Val might check it out sometime.

Nelson Ferris.

Tyra Godson.

Sandy Harrison.

Jak Kerr.

The young man stood up, crossing his arms as if he was grabbing the attention of the classroom. He wore a plain black t-shirt and sported headphones around his neck. His brown hair pointed straight up.

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