Episode 12: Traitor

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They didn't know how it happened or when it started. However, it was during that day that they had encountered something bizarre. The group had encountered the traitor god's ability, but they didn't know it at the time. It started off innocently, almost a week after the Winter Festival had ended.

Except it wasn't innocent at all. The whole High School was in a mass panic.

Val and Jazz stared at the front entrance of Silver Leaf High school. On the front of the school, where the words "Silver Leaf: A New Journey Begins!" would usually appear. However, things were different this time. A student was on the school, all bloody and nailed to the sign. His eyes and mouth bled but it looked like his death was quick and painless. His name was James Sully, the student body president. This was some sort of message.


The group gathered around the table during lunch, but Brian was absent. He said he had detention over their Cisdorc server. Styx arrived late to the table. The whole group was whispering on the topic.

"Alright, unless we have a new serial killer," said Neos, "The person who did that must have been the traitor god."

"I didn't think the traitor god would go as far as killing innocent students.." worried Styx, "And just to taunt at us too. It's as if they're saying 'You can't defeat me.'"

"This means that something new has come up," said Kaleb, "This confirms that the traitor god is near this high school. It also confirms that the traitor god knows that at least one other god is in this school as well. This means any of us could be put in danger."

"Wouldn't that put Val into danger too?" asked Jazz, "We have to protect her from whoever the traitor god is!"

"Our main priority is finding out the identity of the traitor god though," replied Neos.

"How are we supposed to find that out?" asked Kaleb, "It's not like anyone was here yesterday after school. James Sully is the student body president, meaning that he was probably planning on some events for the school."

"There's one thing we can check," said Jak, "The surveillance cameras. That's the best way we can find out who exactly this traitor god is."

"We should do this investigation after school," noted Jazz, "We can't put any other students in danger. This means you too, Val. You can't come with us."

"But I want to help!" said Val, "I was able to figure out each of your individual identities as well as get you guys to trust each other and not start a blood fest!"

"That's true.." replied Jazz.

"I think we can let Val join in," suggested Styx, "However, Val, remember that whatever happens, you won't be our main priority. You are your own responsibility."

"Got it!" said Val, "I can definitely handle myself!"

After school ended, Jazz, Kaleb, Neos, Jak, Styx, and Val walked up to the entrance of the school. Jazz teleported inside and unlocked the front doors of the school without a trace. Not only that, but Kaleb duct taped all the security cameras in the school in less than a second.

As they delved into the school grounds deeper, they made their way into the surveillance room to check the footage of the surveillance cameras.

"You manage to find anything?" asked Jazz.

"The footage for these surveillance cameras are all in tapes," explained Styx, as she pointed to a cart holding a few tapes from yesterday, "It seems like the school staff had already looked through these tapes and found nothing that may lead to the incident. Let's look through them just in case."

Tape 1, Angle 1:
A few hours worth of the school's front entrance. The group fast forwarded the tapes in order to find things faster, but almost a second later, James Sully was nailed to the front entrance.

Tape 1, Angle 2:
Angle 2 shows no new information, but it does show that the school doors opened. This means that the suspect and James came out of the front school doors in order to get nailed.

Tape 2, Angle 1:
This shows the halls of the school leading towards the front entrance. A few papers blew in the air, but yesterday wasn't really a windy day. The doors were closed at the time too.

Tape 2, Angle 2:
A blur is shown, speeding throughout the hallways and carrying the dead body of James Sully. The face of the blur isn't shown, but other tapes may show who the speedy person is.

Styx put the third tape into the television set, and it showed Kaleb walking through the halls alongside another person. The person was indistinguishable. They both entered the janitorial room, and Kaleb came out of the closet, speeding through and killing James Sully.

"What the hell?" yelled Kaleb, "It was me?"

Suddenly, Kaleb kicked everyone down to the ground before speeding out of the surveillance room. As they began to stand up once again, they discussed what was going to happen.

"It was Kaleb!" said Neos, "He was the traitor god all along! However, he's also got an accomplice. Check Angle 2 of Tape 3 to see who was Kaleb's partner."

"We can't," replied Styx, "It's broken. The accomplice must've broken it before we arrived to prevent their identity from being revealed."

"Lucky for us," smiled Jak, "I can use my reality manipulation to recreate the tape. It may take some time though. Try and go after Kaleb!"

Styx, Val, and Jazz went after Kaleb, who had run out of the school. Jak and Neos stayed behind at the school to find out the identity of the accomplice. They were so close in finding out the traitor god. They just knew it! The end to their hunt was almost over.

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