Episode 21: The Traitor's Escape

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"You guys didn't see?" replied Yuri, "He fell down and stumbled upon some sticks!"

"Really, Val?" asked Jak as he stepped closer to Adrian's unconscious body, "It must've been a hard fall. Even your shoes are dirty. There's a wound on his back. Did a stick impale him?"

"Probably. We should treat him back at the campfire!"

Jak picked up Adrian's body and decided to go back until he was stopped by Neos.

"Where's Yuri?" asked Neos.

"Oh, she just went to do her business," replied Yuri with a smile, "She'll be back soon. No worries."

"How big of a fall did Adrian take?" asked Jak as he inspected the body he was carrying, "There's bruises and cuts and wounds all over him! He could bleed to death!"

"We should hurry then," replied Yuri.

"We should wait for Yuri," said Neos, "That way we won't leave anyone behind."

Crap! Yuri was panicking. There was no way Yuri could come back because she was Yuri hiding in the form of Val. The real Val is bleeding out in the woods somewhere!

After a few minutes, Jak had grown impatient, saying, "How long does a person take to go to the bathroom? Neos, you should go check around to see if she's doing alright."

Neos nodded and began to go forward until Yuri stopped him, saying, "Hey! You shouldn't be looking at a girl while she's doing her business! In fact, I'll go myself!"

Yuri thought of an idea to transform back into herself and bring back Val's body, pretending that Val was injured. It was the perfect escape plan! She began to head out into the forest and transform back into herself. She then carried Val's unconscious body and brought her back to Jak and Neos.

"Woah!" said Neos, "What happened to Val?"

"Please help!" yelled Yuri, "When Val was looking for me, she fell and hurt herself really bad!"

"Wow, you guys are seriously clumsy," said Jak.

"Hey," noticed Neos, "Did Val always have that bandage around her leg?"

Yuri's eyes widened. She had forgotten about the bandage yet again!

"Yeah," replied Jak, "Adrian patched her up with the bandage because of the incident with the Teethmonger."

"I didn't see the bandage before she went to look for Yuri," noted Neos.

"Come to think of it," said Jak, "When I looked at her shoes, I didn't see a bandage near her legs either."

Jak looked closely once again.

"Val's shoes aren't dirty."

Neos and Jak then stared at Yuri, looking at her dirty shoes. The shoes that Adrian had spat dirt on to disrespect her.

"Anything you need to talk about Yuri?" asked Neos.

Yuri threw Val's body at Neos, knocking him down on the ground. She then rushed to take down Jak while he was vulnerable carrying Adrian. However, her shoes' material had changed into a heavy metal, from Jak's reality manipulation.

"I didn't expect Yuri to be the traitor god," said Jak as he dropped Adrian and kicked Yuri out of her shoes to the ground.

Neos got up as well and began to walk towards Yuri. There was no way to defeat two gods at the same time!

"I guess I'll need to use my true ability," said Yuri, "Adaptation! I can change my ability into something that will help me at the moment up to three times! I don't know what ability I'll get, but it will always be a benefit!"

Yuri's body began to glow, almost blinding Neos and Jak. Soon, the glow stopped, and Yuri didn't look any different.

"So you glowed?" asked Jak, "That's it? What a weak abilit—"

Suddenly, Jak and Neos fell to the ground. They couldn't get up! It was almost impossible!

"Gravity!" laughed Yuri out of surprise, "I can manipulate gravity! You people can't get up at all!"

Jak created a pistol out of thin air and aimed at Yuri. He had shot it at her, but the bullet immediately dived to the dirt of the forest.

"It seems like the closer you are to me," explained Yuri, "The greater the force of the gravity! You can't touch me at all! Although I would love to beat you all up, I shouldn't get too close. Neos is known for being so explosive!"

"She's right," whispered Neos to Jak, "My explosions could probably damage her a lot. However, it's useless if I'm not close enough."

It was hopeless. It really seemed like there was no way for them to defeat her.

"Neos," whispered Jak with a big grin, "I've got just the thing. Look in front of you."

Neos, confused, looked in front of him. It was a small white string. He followed the string to its point of origin, and noticed that it's a shoelace that came from Yuri's shoe! Jak must've made the shoelace longer with his reality manipulation, long enough to reach Neos.

Neos, with all of his strength, and reached out and placed his finger on the shoelace. It was time for something big.


The shoelace had exploded into a huge bombardment! It knocked Yuri to the ground, ashes on her face. This distraction stopped the gravity from happening, allowing Jak and Neos to stand up once again. When they came to their senses however, Yuri was nowhere to be found. She had escaped into the forest, using the explosion as a distraction! She was smart.

Jak and Neos carried Val and Adrian to the campfire, warning people about Yuri and how she was the traitor god. Carly and Robert were confused, but agreed to cooperate to what everyone was talking about. Jazz and Kaleb decided to pursue Yuri by using their abilities.

It was time to defeat the traitor god.

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