Episode 9: Contact

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It's been a week ever since the incident in the library. Ever since then, it seemed like everything had returned to normal. Styx and Jak were regularly fighting just like they did, as if nothing had ever happened.

During homeroom, Val noticed that Brian kept glaring at Neos. Neos usually averted his gaze from Brian's cold death stare. Val wondered what Neos could've done to seemingly piss Brian off.

"You've noticed it too, right?" asked Jazz, wearing multiple DTS wristbands, "Brian has been glaring a lot at Neos lately."

"Yeah," replied Val, "Do you know what had happened between them?"

"I do," explained Jazz, "Brian finally got on Neos' last nerves, so Neos decided to report on Brian. Remember the time we all cleaned the cafeteria because of the MFC bones that Brian ate? Well Neos pretty much ratted Brian out, explaining that he was the one who scattered the litter. Now, Brian will have to clean up the whole track field at the back of school once school ends."


Language Arts began, and the class learned about poetry and figurative language. Kebab had a bad time spelling 'onomatopoeia' and Styx couldn't tell apart the difference between a reference and an allusion, even though they were basically the same thing. At the time, Brian was still glaring at Neos, while Jak helped Jazz annotate on the poem they were working on.

During math, the class learned about certain formulas for geometry. While learning about shapes and patterns, Brian kept flicking his pencils at Neos. Neos tried to cope with the constant flicks.

Finally, lunch had started, and a fight began to ensue. Brian punched first, knocking Neos off the table. He then went toward Neos, grabbing his shirt and punching his face repeatedly. Neos pulled his legs in and kicked Brian off of him. They both got up and started to fist fight, with Brian almost knocking off Neos' tooth.

Val broke up the fight, in an attempt to stop them from hurting each other any longer. The principal came at that time, and had added Val and Neos to the list of people cleaning the track field after school. The tension between Neos and Brian had only risen.

During both physical education and computer class, the two refused to talk to each other as well as cooperate when they played on the same team. They disrupted class time, and soon their anger towards each other rose even more.

School ended, and it was time for the trio to go to work at the track field.

A baseball hit Neos' head. Neos scratched his head, feeling for injuries. He then looked at the direction from where the ball came from, finding Brian smirking.

"Hey, what was that for?" yelled Neos.

"What was what for?" Brian replied, still smirking, "I don't know what you mean."

Neos threw the baseball back at Brian, aiming for his head, but Brian caught it.

"We can play 'Catch' later," smiled Brian, "For now, we gotta work."

"I've had enough of you," mumbled Neos.

Val began to realize what was happening.

"Brian!" yelled Val, "Hurry! Let go of that ball!"

Brian heeded Val's warning and threw the ball in the air. As the ball flew in the air, it exploded like a firework being lit up in the sky during the Fourth of July.

"What the hell?" yelled Brian, "What was that just now?"

"I don't mind showing off my abilities since school has ended," said Neos, "All I gotta do is scare off this human thinking that he can just hit a god and get away with it."

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