Episode 13: Accomplice

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Val, Jazz, and Styx ran through the streets of the sunset, looking everywhere for Kaleb, who had ran away from the school. Recently, he was discovered as the traitor god, and in a desperate attempt to escape, ran far from the danger of the other gods who were after him.

"I can't believe Kaleb was the traitor god this whole time," said Jazz, frustrated, "And I had him cornered back at the mall too! I almost put a stop to this! And now, an innocent student has died.."

Val, feeling a little guilty, said, "I'm really sorry Jazz. I stopped you from punishing Kaleb back then."

"It's alright. What matters now is that we stop him before he does anymore harm."

"So, how do we capture the fastest being on this planet?"

Jazz's ability focuses on transportation, which allows her to catch up to almost anything she chases. However, she needs to visualize the location of where she would teleport. Right now, she doesn't have a clue where Kaleb is.

Styx's ability on the other hand focuses more on the manipulation of time. She can use this to her advantage to get places faster by slowing or stopping time. Her ability can also be proven useful to fight Kaleb.

One question remains. Where did Kaleb run off to?

"Kaleb can go as fast as Mach 3, which is three times faster than the speed of sound," explained Val as she ran alongside Styx behind Jazz, "He can run off to almost any place."

"Then it's almost impossible to find out where he is!" said Jazz, even more frustrated.

"It's a good thing I set up some cameras through these streets using duct tape earlier this morning to monitor if anything would escape," smiled Styx, checking a dashboard that she pulled out of her vest, "How convenient."

"Wait a minute," Val said as he realized, "You've already been through this day, haven't you, Styx? You've replayed the day and prepared for this!"

"Yep! That's why I was late this morning to the lunch table. I was way too busy setting up the cameras. The thing is, I've only replayed the day from this point. I have no clue what's going to happen next if we were to meet Kaleb."

Jazz and Val looked on the dashboard, which had almost 50 cameras set up in the streets. Styx must've manipulated time to the best of her ability to get these things set up fast. After reviewing the cameras over, the trio had concluded that Kaleb ran back to his house. Jazz touched the hands of both Val and Styx, teleporting them to the front of Kaleb's house. Jazz then teleported herself.

The three broke into the house by smashing the door down. They ran up the stairs to find Kaleb in his room cowering in fear. When he noticed them, he bolted out of the door using his super speed.

"No way," said Styx, frustrated, "I'm not letting you escape again."

She rewinded time and stopped time to the point where Kaleb noticed the girls. During the ten seconds of stopped time, Styx taped Kaleb to the bed using the leftover duct tape she had from setting up the cameras. Time resumed once again and Kaleb tried his best to escape. However, he was already trapped.

Kaleb used his super speed to apply friction to the duct tape, melting it away and letting him escape. As soon as Kaleb ran towards the door, he felt a sharp pain in his foot. The duct tape roll that Styx used was teleported inside his foot, sticking out from its size. Kaleb yelled in agony as he fell down. Even though his super speed ability is great on itself, it was no match for the teleportation and the time manipulation abilities of Jazz and Styx.

"Time to finish him off," smiled Styx, holding a pen in her hand, "Let me shove this into your eye."

"Wait!" yelled Kaleb in panic, "I didn't do it! I swear! I had no memory of the event even happening!"

"What do you mean?" asked Jazz, "First, tell us who your accomplice was."

"That's the thing," he replied, "I don't ever remember that happening! That's why I ran out of the school to get away from you guys before you would get hasty and kill me. I really have no recollection!"

"What?" asked Val, "How does that work? How did you not remember the events that happened just yesterday?"

Suddenly, the phones of the four students buzzed. It was Jak, who had finished recreating the tape and angle that was destroyed. Jak and Neos came over to Kaleb's house and replayed the tape on a television set.

The person who walked into the janitorial room with Kaleb was Brian.

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