Episode 27: Law Shift

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The crew met up at the front of the school entrance, after everyone had already left for the day. Adrian, Carly, and Robert were absent since they had other things to do.

"So you've guys noticed the strange anomalies as well?" asked Styx.

"By anomalies, you mean random explosions, teleporting objects, random speed changes, and objects molding into other objects?" asked Neos, "Then yes, we have."

"I've noticed that they all correlate to our abilities as gods," noted Kaleb.

"This isn't a law shift, is it?" asked Jazz.

Val stated at the group in confusion, having no clue what they were talking about with their technical terms. Whatever they were in however, she wanted to help.

"The chance of it being a law shift is high," said Brian, "After all, we did kill Yuri. The death of a god is sure to bring a major shift in law."

"Um.." asked Val, "So how do we stop this from happening?"

"That's gonna be complicated," replied Jak, "We should carefully analyze the law shift first. For example, there hasn't been any incidents where time or mind control have occurred."

"Mind control isn't as well known in law as the others," replied Brian, "I doubt it will have any serious effects within the law shift. Time on the other hand is very odd. Time is a big benefactor to the laws of the multiverse. I don't know why it hasn't occurred yet."

"It will occur," said Styx, "It'll possibly happen by tomorrow. We have to finish this by tomorrow or else the timeline will get messed up if it's shifted any further."

"So how do we stop this?" asked Val again.

"We'll have to negotiate with Law," replied Jazz, finally answering Val's question.

"Law?" asked Val, confused.

Kaleb explained:

"It's hard to explain. So I'll start from the beginning.

In the beginning, there were two beings. Majestika, the goddess of light, and Azarthoth, the god of darkness. They split up a millennia ago, controlling certain parts of the reality squares."

"Wait a minute," asked Val, "I've never even heard of those names. Aren't you guys the gods?"

"Remember what I told you when I revealed that I was a god to you," replied Kaleb, "We are paranormal beings. The term 'god' is just a short way to describe what we are. The true gods are Majestika and Azarthoth.

Anyways, after they split, Majestika decided to make angels to do her bidding. In addition to making angels, she made a secret being going by the name 'Law.' Law's creation was necessary since he formed the basics of the fabric of reality, such as space, time, and reality itself. However, he couldn't do all of it himself, so he decided to create paranormal beings to do his work while he watched over them.

These paranormal beings are us. We control certain aspects of the fabric of reality. However, since Yuri has died, her fabric of reality, known as adaptation, has been removed. This will cause a law shift created by Law in an attempt to balance things. This will lead to cataclysmic destruction unless a balance happens. The chance of a balance naturally occurring, even with Law's law shift, will take multiple years or millennia. However, it will only take a few days for multiple planets or universes to get destroyed.

We need to negotiate to Law himself to stop the law shifts from happening, as well as find a way to balance the universe out."

Val fell back, backing away from the group slowly. She had to take this in. This was bigger than what she expected. It wasn't just the destruction of the world, but the destruction of reality itself. She didn't even know if she could help in an event as big as this. She was just a normal human!

Jazz looked at Val's scared face, "You don't have to join us. In fact, we preferred that you just stay at home or something while we try to work this out."

"But what if you guys fail in negotiating with Law?" asked Val.

"He would be very angry if he found out we were the ones who killed Yuri," said Brian, "I don't think he'll let us off easily, much less spare us of death."

"I can't let that happen!" said Val, "Let me join you. If the fabrics of reality were to be destroyed, I wouldn't have anything to lose, right?"

"As much as you want to," said Neos in a logical manner, "We can't bring you along. Law is much more powerful than Yuri, and we can't bring ourselves to put you in that amount of danger again."

"I've already made up my mind," said Val, shedding a tear, "I'm going no matter what."

The crew stared at each other. Each of them were having different conflicts in letting Val join in on the negotiations with Law. Jazz didn't want Val to be injured further.

"Y'know," said Jak, "Without Val, all of us probably wouldn't have survived Yuri's attack."

"That's right.." agreed the rest of the crew.

They all then looked at Val:

"Meet us at the library tomorrow before the beginning of class."

The crew stared at the fanfiction shelves of the library, noticing all the lewd doujins and different boy-love books. Val looked confused, and a little disgusted.

"Sorry for the lack of a better place," said Jak, "I had to find something that people wouldn't normally go to. However, this is the entrance to Law's realm."

"A fanfiction book shelf?" asked Val skeptically.

Styx looked at her watch, announcing, "Guys. The time anomalies will begin any moment now. At first things may be confusing, but hopefully everything will be resolved soon."

"We'll begin once the time anomaly has occurred," said Kaleb.

Val prepared herself nervously. She knew she was going to be in a situation bigger than her own life. What was she going to find on the other side?




It begins now."

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