Episode 28: Laws Part 1

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Val opened up her eyes. It seems like nothing had happened. Did time really just mess up? Or was Styx just messing with her?

"What happened?" asked Val, confused on the situation.

"It may not seem like it," replied Styx, "But time has definitely been messed up. Different timelines are in different points of time. It may not look like time has messed up, but from a greater sense of perspective, it definitely has."

Val waved her hand around, and moved her legs to see if anything has changed.

"Nothings happening," she said, "Time's not skipping, stopping, or rewinding."

"It's from a greater perspective. It's not like time will affect you directly. Time's way bigger than that. It's like a worm talking to a human. The human wouldn't notice the worm because the worm is so insignificant to the human. In this case, we are so insignificant to time that it doesn't affect us directly, but affects the things around us."

Val was confused, but agreed and nodded anyways, pretending to understand.

"Are we all ready to enter Law's realm?" asked Jak, "Things are gonna get a little wonky."

The crew nodded to Jak's words as Jak pulled out a book:

"Boku no Rico Vol. 3"

Val's face was in disgust, "I didn't know you were into these types of books, Jak."

"I'm not into these books!" Jak replied in haste, "This is just the gateway to the realm. Just watch."

Jak's hands began to glow, making it clear that he was about to manipulate reality. Soon, the pink colored cover of the book began to morph into a dark green, with the words 'Księga prawa' on the front.

He then placed the book back on the shelf, making sure it was in the same position as it was when he took it out. Then, the shelf collapsed, dust blowing from the books. Behind the bookshelf was a square-like portal gate.

"On the other side of this portal is Law's realm," stated Jak, "Again, it will be weird since we'll be transcending towards a different reality."

The crew agreed once again, stepping into the portal and emerging into a different reality.

Everything was blank white, except for black dots that looked like stars in a night sky. There seemed to be little gravity, allowing Val and her friends to jump high. There was no platform, but there was an invisible barrier preventing them from traveling down too much.

"I kinda feel weak," said Val.

"That's just a side effect," replied Brian, "We're definitely in Law's realm. Now it may seem like nothing is here, but we just need to find the library."

Val was way too confused at this point, asking more questions, "Weren't we just in the library?"

"We're looking for Law's library," explained Jazz, "It's the fastest way to get to Law. His library is like a museum of sorts, having lots of artifacts from different realities, dimensions, universes, and galaxies."

"Wow," replied Val, amazed, "He must be so powerful to be traveling from reality to reality!"

"It's kinda why I'm so nervous. Honestly, it's one of the reasons why I was so nervous even back at the beginning of school. What if I fail? What if I don't meet his expectations? What are my consequences? Will I die?"

"Hey. What matters most is that you've tried your best. It's not like we couldn't have killed Yuri. She was planning to kill us, and possibly rule over everything. If we didn't do what we had to, we'd be in a worse situation than right now.

Besides, that's why you've got friends to help you with. Even if we don't respond. Even if you're stuck talking to yourself. We'll be there when things are most important."


"It's a promise!"

Val's assuring words helped Jazz's mood a little bit, and the rest of the crew began to progress more into the realm of Law.

"What are those black things in the sky?" asked Val as they walked through the blank space.

"Those little star-looking thingies?" asked Neos, "Each one of them represents an alpha universe."

"Alpha universe?"

"There's two different types of universes: Beta and Alpha. A Beta universe is your standard run-of-the-mill universe. A bunch of them collectively make up into a multiverse. Also, a dimension holds multiple Beta universes."

"So what's an Alpha universe?"

"It's hard to explain, so I'll give an example. You know the Harvel Comics universe and the CD Comics universe? Each comics represents different superheroes that can't meet each other because they're by different franchises. That's basically what an Alpha universe is. Also, Alpha universes holds multiple dimensions."

"So that means that dimensions are bigger than Beta universes, and Alpha universes are bigger than dimensions."

"Oh nice! So you understand now?"


"Hey stop talking," announced Brian, pointing at a portal similar to the one they entered in, "We're finally here."

The crew entered the portal, finding themselves inside Law's library.

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