Episode 19: The Traitor's Decision

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Val fell to the ground, clutching the wound in her stomach as the girl threw the stick she used on the ground.

"I'm the least person you'd expect to be the traitor god, huh?" the girl said.

"I don't understand.." coughed up Val, "How..? Why..? What is your ability?"

"One question at a time please," replied the girl as she inspected Val.

"First.. why are you doing all of this?"

"Hmm, you could say that I'm bored and would like a little cause for chaos. However, even if that does sound fun, it's not really why. You see, there's this person that I met. He promised me some eternal power if I had helped him. Obviously I was skeptical and decided to kill him, yet he had the power to defeat me easily. Could you believe it? A measly human defeating a god?

What's even more confusing was that he had abilities as well. Anyways, I agreed to work with him. If I didn't, my life would've probably ended there. His orders were to simply cause chaos and destruction, even kill some gods in the way."

"Why would this person even want that?"

"He said something about law shifts, and how the death of one god would result in the changing of reality itself. Supposedly, he trusts fate so much that he'll get some sort of new power from the law shift."

"Wait, what even is your ability? If you're a god, what's your power?"

"Hmm. Right now, I have the ability of thievery. It allows me to take the form of a person, take their voice, as well as their abilities. That's only if I touch them though."

"So that explains why neither Brian nor Kaleb could've remembered the incident. You changed into Brian, and used mind control to wipe Kaleb's memories of ever meeting you!"

"I was planning on framing Kaleb so that you all could kill him and create a law shift for me. However, that failed when you interfered. You seriously had to trust in what everyone has to say, huh?"

Val stood up slowly, picking up the stick that the girl had thrown on the ground. She then rushed at the girl with the stick in an attempt to stab her. However, the girl had caught it.

"Oh?" smiled the girl, "Even when critically injured, you still choose to fight? How gutsy of you!"

"I don't plan to lose to you," announced Val, "Yuri Godrasil!"

Yuri kicked Val to the ground, taking the stick away from her.

"You obviously haven't learned your lesson," snarled Yuri as she stabbed Val in the back once again with the stick.

Val yelled in agony. She then remembered. She pulled out the radio that was given to her by Adrian and his friends. She was about to press the button until Yuri kicked the radio out of her hands.

"My, oh my," smiled Yuri, "Calling for help? I knew those would be a little problem. It's pretty lucky for me that I removed it from your grasp."

Val couldn't stand up from the shock. She was losing a lot of blood. She had to find a way to relay the information, but it seems like the radio was her last hope. Val began crawling away from Yuri, who stared at her. While she crawled away, Yuri began her transformation.

Her clothes, body, hair and face all changed. Even her voice had transformed as well.

"With your body, I think I'll be able to secretly kill at least one god in their sleep," smiled Yuri, "After all, they seem to trust you very much!"

Val began throwing sticks at Yuri. However, she kept missing, with the sticks hitting the trees. It seemed like she couldn't hit Yuri at all.

"Man, being critically injured must suck," laughed Yuri as she walked towards Val, and kicking her face, "You can't even aim right."

Finally, Val had grown unconscious, and laid down on the ground. Yuri hid Val against the tree, planning to kill her by blood loss. Yuri began making her way back, using Val's body until she was stopped by a person.

"Hey, Val," waved Adrian, "How are you doing with the stick finding?"

"What the?" thought Yuri, "Why is Adrian Stolfo here? Did Val somehow contact him using the radio? Impossible!"

"Oh," smiled Yuri in Val's form, "It's doing great! I'm heading back right now."

"I heard some sticks hitting the trees and came to check it out," replied Adrian, "Where's Yuri?"

"Oh, she went to go do her lady business. We'll be heading to the campfire soon!"

Adrian nodded and began to walk back to the campfire. However, he stopped midway.

"Say Val," asked Adrian, "Jak scraped his knee on a rock. Do you know how long it takes for a wound to heal on a person?"

"Probably a few days," replied Yuri casually.

"Oh, is that so?" smiled Adrian as he turned around, "Then where's the scrape wound and the bandage you received from the Teethmonger?"

Yuri looked down at her leg and noticed something crucial. She had forgotten to replicate the wounds of Val. Immediately, Yuri rushed over and kicked Adrian's stomach, causing him to kneel over.

"I knew it," coughed up Adrian, "You aren't Val after all. You're some imposter!"

Adrian began to stand up and initiate a fist fight with Yuri, but she picked up a stick and hit him down. Adrian fell forwards. He began to reach for the radio in his back pocket, but Yuri kept kicking and stomping on his head, preventing him from doing so.

"Stay down," warned Yuri.

"No way," replied Adrian, "The sticks used to hit a tree must've been a warning from the real Val. I'll definitely expose you to the others. I might not be able to take you down myself, but they can!"

Yuri had enough and stabbed Adrian with a stick, making him bleed as well.

"No one can know," whispered Yuri.

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