Episode 5: Grizzly Express

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Val laid in bed, just getting home from school. She was still clenching her stomach. The pain from that punch that Atticus gave her earlier with his fisticuffs still lingered. Her room was filled with a few DTS posters and some of her favorite video games on the shelves. Beside the shelves were her closet and her television. Her StationForPlay 4 was lying right next to her XPyramid One.

After looking at her DTS posters for quite a while, she began to wonder. If Jazz was a god, how would Val find out? Jazz is usually a shy, reserved person. Unlike Neos or Kaleb who got caught in the act, or Brian who had to use his abilities for emergencies, it doesn't seem like Jazz would get into either. Val had to find out somehow. After a while, she finally got it!

"Mom! Dad!" Val yelled, clenching her stomach, "I don't think I'll be able to go to school tomorrow. I'm feeling a little sick."

Her parents began to walk upstairs, "Let me check on you first to see how you're doing."

Oh no. Val didn't prepare for this. Quick! Do something to make it look like you're sick!

Val shoved her hand in her throat, forcing herself to gag.

Val's parents opened the door and entered her room, "Alright, let's see how you're doi—"

Val crouching over the floor, her mouth covered in drool. On the floor was pieces of her lunch that she had threw up. Val looked at her parents with puppy dog eyes.

Val's mom whispered into her husband's ear, "She's pulling out the puppy dog eyes. She's clearly faking it."

"Yeah," whispered back Val's dad, "But that's some dedication for making herself puke on the floor. We can't let that just go to waste."

Val's parents turned towards Val, "Alright, we'll contact the school about your absence tomorrow. Just.. try to clean this up."

Val did it! Her foolproof plan worked!

Hoodie, bandana, and sunglasses. The essentials to becoming a stalker. What exactly was Val planning? Definitely something that's borderline illegal.

Val snuck up in the bushes near Silver Leaf High School. Her sunglasses, hoodie, and bandana masked her appearance. She peered at the windows of Mr. Smith's class at a certain time. Bingo! Jazz was sitting right in her seat, patiently waiting for homeroom to end. Val took a closer look and noticed that Jazz was watching DTS videos. Of course.

You may be wondering: What is DTS? Dangtan Sonyeondan is a Korean Pop band that creates music for their audience to enjoy. The members of DTS are MR, Agust, Shimin, Shin, J (or Vaehyung), J-Happy, and Yungkook. Out of all of them, Jazz loves Shimin the most.

Now all Val had to do was wait for Jazz to reveal her ability. She also had to take note that she may be doing the ability secretly, just like Kaleb did with his running. This means that she has to take note of every detail, careful to spot any mistake that she may find.


Oh my god.

It's already computer class. The end of the day.

Oh my god.

All Jazz has been doing is watching DTS videos! If she's not watching them, she occasionally talks with Kaleb, Neos, Styx, and Jak. However that's only occasionally! Most of her time spent at school is watching DTS! Val couldn't take it anymore! Her notebook listed:

- Language Arts - Watched DTS performances.

- Math - Watched DTS compilations.

- Lunch - Occasionally talked with friends while playing a K-Pop rhythm game.

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