Episode 7: Deja Vu

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Val woke up at 6:00 AM in the Thursday morning. She went downstairs to eat some cereal and quickly dressed up. Styx was going to show Val her abilities today, and Val was up almost all night trying to think up of what her abilities were.

As she walked to school, she began thinking about the situation more. What kind of abilities did Styx have? Val hasn't really paid much attention to Styx all this time because she was usually always fighting with Jak. Does Jak know that Styx is a god? No.. Val doesn't think so. If she recalled, Jak said that he would kill any god that he would see.

Val arrived in homeroom, finding Jazz, who wore another DTS shirt. This time Yungkook was on the front. Jazz and Val watched a video of a DTS performance that Jazz had found yesterday. After watching, Val looked around the classroom. She then found Styx playing Rock Paper Scissors with Jak.

Val stood up and went over to Styx, asking, "Hey, Styx. When will you show me that thing we talked about yesterday?"

Styx put her finger up to her lips, "I'll show you soon, alright?"

Then, Styx returned back to the Rock Paper Scissors game. Jak had won using Rock.

The test results for Language Arts and Math that they had took earlier for those classes had came in. Each class was expected to look at their results and review over the questions. Val received her Language Arts Test and had gotten an 87. Jazz and Neos both received a 93. Brian scored really high with a 98. Styx had gotten an 82, and Jak and Kaleb both scored an 85. Brian was very good in writing. It would make sense that he would get the highest grade out of the class.

Jazz, Val, Neos, and Kaleb began to review over their questions. However, Val was too focused on Styx, who was trying to calm down Jak after Brian had scammed him.

"You said the answers you gave me were going to give me a high score!" whispered Jak, "I traded you two of my Bitmon monsters!"

"I don't know about you," snickered Brian, "But I'd say 85 is pretty decent."

After Language Arts was Math. The class also received their scores. Val received a 92 on her formula test. Jazz had gotten a 96. Neos and Brian both received a 90. Styx had gotten an 89. Jak had an 85 and Kaleb received an 98. Kaleb was really good at Math, so that wasn't a surprise either.

The class began to review their test scores, but couldn't because their concentration was getting interrupted by a Scottish accent in the background.

"What are the chances that I would get an 85 on both tests?" yelled Jak.

"You could always score higher on future tests," replied Styx, "There's always room for improvement."

Neos had gotten bored of the review and stepped out of the classroom for a trip to the water fountain. Kaleb also went to drink some water, following Neos. When they both returned, Neos was covered in water. Kaleb was laughing behind him.

"I can't believe the water fountain hates you that much!" yelled Kaleb, dying in laughter, "Who knew that it could malfunction and shoot a spout of water just like that?"

"Shut it Kaleb.." replied Neos hazily.

It was lunchtime! The group sat at their table, and began to eat their lunch. Jak had some fish and chips, Kaleb was eating lettuce, Neos ate some potato chips, and Brian was drinking a can of Fizzy Water. Jazz was drinking a chocolate milkshake, while Styx looked at Val's lunch.

"Do you always have steak for lunch?" she asked, "It's like every time I see you bring lunch, it's always restaurant cuisine."

"My parents just really like grilling," chuckled Val, "I have lots of leftovers every day!"

Suddenly, Jazz spilled her chocolate milkshake on her DTS shirt.

"Nooooo!" she yelled, "I wasn't fast enough! Poor Yungkook is covered in oozing brown!"

"Like diarrhea," laughed Kaleb.

After Kaleb was slapped by Jazz and apologized, Val, Jak, and Neos offered to clean up Jazz's shirt using some paper towels.


Physical Education was very fun today. The class was playing dodge ball, and Jak had hit Styx in the face with his dodgeballs. Styx was getting frustrated that Jak kept aiming and targeting her. She tried to shoot dodgeballs at him, but they kept missing and she would soon get hit by another dodgeball. Styx was almost bursting with anger.

Other than that, the teams played greatly. Brian was very nimble and maneuvered through the flurry of dodgeballs. Neos tried his best to dodge some, but in the end would get hit. Kaleb and Jazz did a very good job, performing as the MVP of their teams. No one knew why, but Kaleb and Jazz did very well in dodging incoming projectiles.

Finally, it was computer class. Val was browsing forums for her PowerPoint that she was going to make. Suddenly, she had gotten an email from Styx:

"Meet me in the library during homeroom tomorrow! ;P"

Val didn't know what this meant. Was this going to be when Styx would show her abilities? But didn't Styx tell Val that she would show her her abilities today? Maybe Styx had forgotten..

Val began to look at Brian's computer screen, bored from doing the project:

Jakker18 has reached Orcguard Territory.

Hobo670 has slain iiiStyx.

Hobo670 has slain Jakker18.

Hobo670: Orcguard Territory is my territory! Back off homos!

Jakker18: That's not fair! That's where all the good loot is!

Kebab_1212: Lul. Just get past it.

Elthora: That's not fair ;-; you put most of your points in speed so you can evade his attacks easier!

ElementalheroNeos58: Or y'know.. just get inside using your power?

iiiStyx: You have the bomber class.. Us normal classes have to go around the wall, not go through it!

Cutegril8375: I'm almost done on my forums PowerPoint. I'll join you guys when I'm done!

Jakker18: Four against one would be much easier!

Soon, the day had ended, and Val walked down the front steps of the staircase of her high school. Did Styx really forget to show Val her ability? Once she got home, she did her homework, watched television, texted her group on a Cisdorc server, ate dinner, and went to bed.

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