[3] Too bad

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Yuen knew that this world has many undeniably loops and holes. Yet what surprised him most was the discrimination between the nobles and commoners, to the point that even the commoners just turned a blind eye through all of this, reasoning that they didn't want to cause problems concerning their rights.

Yuen's anger blazed.

Him being Seraph, knew that feeling all too well. Living in the world that once discriminated females because of lack of strength, Seraph cannot possibly turn a blind eye. She watched her mother and fellow females cry at night because males think lowly of them. Like any normal being when someone thinks lowly of them, they too will think lowly on themselves. Yet Seraph was different. Seeing their sorrow and grief, the young Seraph clutched her fist, promising herself to prove the worth of females in the world.

And it did happen.

She once stood up and became their lead, proving to everyone that being a female didn't matter. Being a female has their worth. Being a female has their own purpose. But they didn't deny the fact that they really lack the strength that the male population has, yet they prove that a world without females, males would be also be worthless. Male wouldn't be able to survive. But of course, everything didn't seem like a smooth sailing of a ship, Seraph also undergo many ups and downs, clashing many walls in order to serve the female rights. Seraph didn't once falter, and soon all her efforts have finally come to a success.

Seraph prove to the world that the gender of a person is not the case, because whatever gender you have, a male or a female...

... All are the same.

And that is what Yuen want to prove in this world.

Yuen wiped his sweat away using the back of his hand, the slight contact made his forehead a little bit muddy, yet he didn't care. The morning sun have already rised up hours ago and soon it'll be lunch, but Yuen stayed in the fields to train, determined to improve his body's agility and edurance. With a final grunt, he put down all blocks of wood into the grassy field.

"Yep. That's the last one." he said to himself, slightly puffing his breathe.

It's been years since he started training for magic, giving his once chubby and little figure a kiss goodbye. Now, in the age of 17, his body transformed into a god-like structure. With his delicious biceps poking into view, many females in town started ogling at him. But Yuen, being as oblivious as ever, didn't actually notice it. In fact, he thinks that the way people in town looked at him made him conscious about his looks, after all he still looked like a freaking femine despite his body's structure.

Yuen sighed, feeling his back ache a bit so he started stretching again. Yet moments later, he felt a large amount of magic thrown at him from behind. He started to chant some spells, and right before a large fire ball touch a single strand of his hair, it magically dispersed, leaving no such traces behind.

"You seemed good at sensing attacks." his father commented, floating just inches above his son's head.

"It's because I have a good teacher." Yuen replied back, smiling as his father finally landed on his feet beside him.

His father shrugged his shoulders.

"Pretty much." he said. "But you forgot one thing..."

Immediately, his father plunged his sword towards him, aiming at his head. Yuen knew this beforehand so he let out his training sword, making it clash with the other, blocking it just in time. It soon transformed into a duel, the clashing of metals echoed throughout the area. Yuen's father once again swing his sword sidewards, whilst Yuen's sword is doing pretty much the same. Yet with a sudden move Yuen safely avoided his father's aim, his sword changing into a new point of direction which led to his father's sword, aiming to break it.

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