Chapter 1(The Parker Curse)

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It's raining when they bury her, of course it is. Like everything else the weather seems to be against Peter. It had only been last week when he had been making college plans, having graduated high school two weeks ago. And then yesterday his aunt had not come home from work and Peter had gotten the call from the hospital. He had rushed there as fast as he could but it was too late. They informed him that his aunt had been walking home when a drunk driver had swerved onto the sidewalk hitting her. A passerby had called an ambulance and they had taken her to a hospital. But it had been too late. They hadn't been able to do anything for her. And Peter hadn't been there to say goodbye. She hadn't even known that he was Spiderman. And now she never would.

There were several people at the funeral. People Aunt May had worked with and some of her friends. They all left quickly but Peter could not bear to leave the gravesite. He sat by her tombstone, the freshly turned earth quickly becoming muddy. His pants were covered in mud but he didn't think about that. All he could think about was that another person had died because he hadn't been there to save them.

Maybe if Peter had worked an extra job his aunt wouldn't have had to take the extra shift at the hospital and would have been home sooner. Why did people he care about have to keep dying? The people he knew, just kept suffering. He was cursed. It was that dumb Parker luck all over again. Only that made it sound to mild. It was more of the Parker curse.

He didn't know what to do now. Even with his two jobs he wouldn't make enough to pay the rent, especially since they were already behind on the payments. And college was out of the picture. Even with scholarships he wouldn't be able to afford it. Why did his aunt have to die? Why did she leave him? Did she think he was a mess up too? Is that why she left? Because she could no longer deal with having to care for such a worthless human being? But it wasn't her fault. He was worthless. He couldn't even protect the people he cared about. Everyone who was nice to him or tried to help suffered. His parents, uncle Ben, Dr Conners, Harry Osborn, Officer Stacey, Gwen, Liz, and now his aunt May had also paid the price. Because he couldn't leave them alone, he couldn't live without them, and so they had died. Fate had ripped them away. He was too worthless to deserve them.

He couldn't stay here at the cemetery forever, he knew that. So grudgingly he went back to their, no, his, apartment and collapsed on the couch letting the darkness of sleep overtake him. The nightmares soon followed.

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