Young Love (A SHINee Fan Fic) Chapter Sixteen

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"Now what else would Minho be able with a girlfriend?" I said, smiling.
She smiled back.
"Can you show me these things?" She shook her head and got up.
" back." She smiled and walked into the kitchen.
I followed her and leaned against the counter.
"Come here." I said, holding my arms out. She walked over to me and put her arms around me and hugged me.
She put her head on my chest I tightened my arms around her.
"What time is it?" She asked me. I looked at the clock.
"Almost two." She pulled back.
"Let's go to the beach" I said.
I walked to Key's room, and him and ____ were talking.
"Noona! Me and Yoona are going to the beach. Do you want to come?"
"Yeah sure."
Everyone got ready. I changed into my red swimming shorts, and Yoona put on a light blue bikini top with short white swimming shorts.
When she came out, I bit my lip.
I guess she saw cause she started blushing.
When we got to the beach, I ran to the water and started playing.
I looked up and Yoona was just standing by the water.
"Come on Yoona!" She shook her head and smiled.
"I don't like the beach that much."
"Why not?"
"Sharks." I laughed.
"It's not funny!"
"Sweetie, there are no sharks here. Promise." She shook her head, and I started splashing her with water.
"Please baby?" I said, giving her puppy dog eyes. She shook her head again. I sighed and ran to her, threw her over my shoulder, and ran into the water.
"Ah! Taemin!" I threw her in the water and she came out, and she looked pissed.
"Baby. There are no sharks."
"How do you know."
"Because I come here all the time. If there are sharks, I'll protect you." Her mad look disappeared and she splashed me.
"Babo. How can you beat a shark?" I splashed her back.
"Cause I'm amazingly strong." She splashed me and started laughing.
"Don't laugh at me!"
"I'm sorry sweetie, thats just funny."
"Psssssh." She said back.
"Psssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssh." I felt my face turning red from lack of breath.
She laughed and pinched my cheeks.
"So cute." I crossed my arms.
"Nooo don't call me cute!" She smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck.
"But baby. You're so amazingly cute."
"Yes." I shook my head really fast like a little kid.
"See baby, things like that make you cute."
"Then I won't do them anymore."
"No! I love when you act cute." I stuck out my bottom lip, and she kissed my cheek.
"I have the cutest boy ever." I whined.
"Stoooooopp iiiiiiiiit."
"Baby, your not making it better by acting like a little kid."
"No. Let's go get Noona and Key!" I said.
"Okay." We ran to them.
"Hyung! Noona! Come play with us!"
"No. I'm tanning." ____ said. I ran my fingers through my hair and flicked water at her.
"TAEMIN!" She yelled, sitting up.
"Ugh!" She laid back down.
"Oppa! Come on!" Yoona yelled, poking Key with her foot.
"No thanks." He said.
"We'll drag you." I said.
"No you would-" Each of us grabbed one of his feet and pulled him. "HEY! Hey what are you doing?! Fine I'll go! GOD!" He stood up.
"Great! Unnie?" Yoona said.
"Do we have to drag you too?" I asked.
"Touch me you die."
"Well. Thats rude." I said.
"Go awayyyy!"*
"Fineeee!" I said, then me, Yoona, and Key ran to the water.
"Hyung! Hyung! Hyung!"
"Yes Taemin?"  I splashed him.
"Yes. Very mature."
"Yes it is." Yoona swam behind Key and jumped on him, dunking him under water. He came up and picked her up and threw her, and she went flying and landed in the water. She came back up smiling.
"That was awesome!"
"That backfired...." Key said.
"Yoona, you used to be a cheerleader right?" She nodded.
"Can you do tricks?" She nodded again.
She came over to us and told me and Key what to do. She put one foot in both of our hands, and we threw her, and she went really high, and did a flip in the air and landed in the water.
"Woah! That was cool!" Key yelled.
"Thank you!" She did another one where she stood on our hands again, but we raised her up over our heads, and she grabbed her foot and put it up in the air. She jumped off.
"God that's so cool Tammie!" Key said. "Can you teach me!"
"Not unless you want your balls to explode." I laughed.
"How would they explode?"
"Weeeeeell, first you have to be flexible so like they would stretch and stretch and streeeeeeetch-"
"Okay! I get it!" She smiled.
____ came running over.
"Hey babyyyy!" She said. Key turned around.
"Hey, you guys wanna go to G Dragons party? He just invited us!"
"Well..." Key said.
"Come on honey!"
"I'll go!" I yelled.
"Come on, Key everyone's going!"
He sighed. "Fine, Ill go."
We started walking to G Dragon's beach house, and I stopped and grabbed Yoona, and everyone else kept walking.
"Baby, promise me, no messing around with any one, okay?"
"I promise Taemin." I smiled and kissed her cheek.
At the party, everyone was drunk, including ____. But, she was beyond drunk.
Me, Jonghyun, Key, Yoona, and _____ were hanging out at the bar.
____ grabbed her eleventh drink and leaned against the bar.
"Hey, Tae."
"I-" She started laughing out of nowhere.
"Noona, I think you should stop with the drinks already." I took her cup away from her.
"No!" She grabbed it back.
"____, he's right. I think you've had enough." Yoona said. She just laughed and I rolled my eyes.
"Oh my god, you know what I realized? Like, everyone loves your girlfriend!" She said.
"What?" I said. She laughed more.
"Yeah! Like today, I was like talking to Jonghyun--" she laughed again. "And he told me that--" and again "That he's in love with your girlfriend!" She laughed some more.
"Isn't that funny? Oh and he told me not to--Oh! Oopsie!" I turned around to face Jonghyun, who looked like he was about to cry. He just turned around and ran away.
____ shrugged.
"He left..Oh well!" I shook my head, and she turned around and started making out with Key.
He wrapped his arms around her and he moaned a little. He pressed her against the bar and started kissing her neck
"Guys!" I said, pushing them away from each other.
"Fuck off, were busy.." she said, pulling Key back to you and making out with him again.
She asked the bar tender for another drink.
"Don't give it to her, she doesn't need any more." I said.
"Oh my god, shut up, kid!" She put her hand over my mouth and I licked it.
"Gross!" She wiped her hand.
The bar tender ended up not giving her anymore.
"Damn it Taemin! What the hell?!"
"What?!" I sighed.
"I think you should just go home, and go to sleep."
"Whatev!" She grabbed Key and they walked to the beach.
I sighed, and Yoona hugged me and laid her head on my shoulder. I put my arm around her waist and laid my head on hers.
"I wanna go home." She said.
"So do I, but Key is our ride home, and I don't think he'll drive us." She sighed and I tightened my arms around her.
"Come on." We walked inside and sat on the couch.
I saw Jonghyun talking to G Dragon about something, but I really didn't care right now. I grabbed Yoona's hand and messed with the ring on her finger.
She looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back and kissed her forehead.
Jonghyun finished talking to G Dragon, looked over at us, and closed his eyes, and walked away. Yoona got up.
"Where are you going?"
"Outside. Come with me?" I nodded and got up. We stood on the balcony and looked at the beach. She climbed up on the bar thing and sat down, and I put my hands on her waist so she wouldn't fall.
I wrapped my arms all the way around her and held her close to me.
"I love you Yoona."
"I love you too." She took in a deep breath and leaned hear head against my chest.
"Remember when we first met?" She smiled and nodded. "You were just....sitting there all alone."
"Like a loser." She said. I laughed a little.
"No." She smiled and looked up at me. "When I first saw you...I thought that you were...cute." She smiled bigger.
"What made you come up to me?"
"Well...I just...I don't really know. I just would like me."
"Well no." I looked at her and raised my eyebrows.
"I don't like you. I love you." I smiled and kissed her.
She ran her tounge over mine and I put my hand in her pocket.
A few mintes later, she got up and we walked back inside, and sat down at the bar.
Key came up, his face really mad.
"Go away! I told you to leave me alone!"
"Woah..what happened?" I said.
"She's a slut, thats what happened!" ____ slapped Key.
"What the hell?!" he yelled. I sighed and turned to Yoona.
"Baby, can you go somewhere else. This usually gets ugly." She nodded and I kissed her lips. She walked away and sat down on the couch, and
started talking to some girls.
I turned back around.
"So what happened?" I asked. Key pointed at ____.
"It starts with her!"
"No it doesn't!"
"Yes it does!" Jonghyun said.
"You told my secret!"
"So? G Dragon told me you told him me and Key were broken up so he started coming on to me and thanks to you, Key thinks I cheated on him!"
"Thinks? You were!" Key said.
"No I wasn't, damn it you fucking babo!"
"Shut up, you slut!" She kicked him and he flinched in pain.
"Stop!" I said.
"Don't tell me what to do! I'm older! You have no authority over me!" Key said.
"When your drunk I do!" Minho came over.
"Guys, what's wrong?"
"They're fighting again."
"What happened?"
"Jonghyun told ____ that he loves Yoona, she told me, he got mad, told G Dragon her and Key were broken up, Key thought she cheated, blah blah blah.
Minho sighed.
"Alright. Everyone who's drunk, in the car now. We're going home." ____ sighed and they left to the car.
"Hyung, I'm going to stay here a little longer." I told him.
I walked back to where Yoona sat, but she was gone.
G Dragon walked over to me.
"She fell asleep. I carried her into there." He pointed to a closed door.
"Thanks." He nodded.
I walked into the room, and Yoona was asleep.
I walked over and sat next to her and started playing with her hair. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled when she saw me. She sat up and hugged me.
"I missed you." I wrapped my arms around her.
"I missed you too."
I pulled back and kissed her.
She put her hands on my back and pulled me closer to her and laid back on the bed.
I got on top of her and she took my shirt off.
"Hmm?" She said, still kissing me.
"Not right now." She pulled away and nodded. I smiled at her and got up.
"I'll be right back sweetie."
"Mkay." I walked out of the room and found G Dragon.
"Hey, um, is it alright if we stay here tonight?"
"Yeah! Sure. Just stay in the room I put Tammie in."
"Okay. Thanks."
"No problem!"
I walked back to the room and laid next to Yoona.
She turned around and scooted as close to me as she could. I put my arms around her and fell asleep.

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