#Chapter One#

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Annika's POV

It is another rainy day in one of the small cities of US. It has been raining since morning and according to the weather forecast, it would rain the whole day continuously.

I, Annika, a girl in my early thirties is reading some reports of one of my many patients sitting in my cabin in the hospital.

It would be a lie to say that I am focused on the reports. No, my most of the concentration is on the watch on my wrist showing 6:08 pm.

I am late, my boyfriend, the love of my life is waiting for me from the past 38 minutes. He has called me millions of times and I can tell my love is very frustrated.

"Dr Annika Verma, Dr Patrick Yeng is here. You can leave now." A nurse tells me and I quickly get up as if waiting for that only. Actually, I was waiting for that only. Dr. Patrick is never on time. 

I am a known Psychiatrist, a 32 year old orphan. I came to US for specialization on scholarship. I was always an orphan, brought up in an orphanage. Whatever I am today now, is only because of the hard work I did.

I grab my bag and car keys before running out of the cabin. I don't have an umbrella so till i reach the car, I am half drenched.

I take out my phone from the pocket and dial Sam, my boyfriend's number. "I'll just be there. I am sorry baby, love you."  I cut the call after listening to his cold reply. I chuckle at that because I know, his all anger will vanish once he'll see me.

I dry myself from the scarf I am wearing and unlock the car. I sit inside and I am about to start the car when I feel some pain on my neck and the next minute, I faint.

POV ends.

She is injected and the one who injected her, comes out of the car and pushing her to the passenger seat, drives the car to a house in the middle of an isolated place.

He picks up Annika in his arms after parking the car in the garage and moves towards the house. There is no trace of anyone's existence in the house or around it. 

He takes her to a room and makes her lye on the bed. He removes her shoes, shades, earrings and all the rings in her fingers including the engagement one. He dumps all the things in the dustbin.

He sits beside her on the bed and after few minutes, her phone starts ringing. He searches for it and finds it in one of her jean's pockets. He picks it up and the person from other side speaks up.

"Where are you Annika? I have been waiting for you from the past hour. Where the hell are you?" Her boyfriend shouts from the other side. Although he loves her but is a very short tempered man. The person who has Annika's phone cut the call before replying anything and leaves a message.

"Sorry baby, but I am fed up from you so I am breaking up with you. Have a nice life ahead. And one more thing, don't come at my home to ask the reason, I am really done with you. Btw, I am leaving for Switzerland forever."

He switches off the phone and keeps it in his pocket. He keeps on sitting there looking at her waiting for her to wake up.

Annika's POV

I open my eyes after few minutes as the drug injected wasn't a strong one I guess but my head is aching a little. I sit on the bed and as my vision gets adjusted to the light, I gasp, scared and move back.

"Who are you." I ask, fear gripping my heart.

"I am Rian Jones. I kidnapped you." He tells softly forwarding his hand. Is this reality or am I just dreaming?

"Why did you kidnap me? I don't even know you." I ask and he smiles taking his hand back as I didn't shake it. I wouldn't shake it.

"I don't know either. He told me to do so, so I did."  

"Who told you?" I ask growing impatient.

"Shivaay Singh Oberoi. He will be here anytime." He tells me and goes out of the room locking the door behind him.

I pinch on my hand to see if it is a dream or the reality? Alas! it is reality. I am kidnapped in real. But why? I can't remember anyone named Shivaay Singh Oberoi or Rian Jones. Neither I have any enmity with anyone. Why would anyone kidnap me? 

I am surrounded by my thoughts when the door clicks open and a women comes inside. I can't see her face as her head is bowed down. She is holding a tray in her hands having two cups. I find the woman very strange. Her hair are very much similar to that of Rian. She is wearing a long skirt reaching her ankles and a full sleeved shirt above and a shawl around her shoulders.

"Excuse me?" I ask and the woman looks up at me. I am beyond shocked.

It is Rian, who was dressed up in a white pants with a khaki shirt tucked in. But why would he dress up like a women?

"Rian Jones? Is this you?" I ask with a very little confidence in my voice.

"No dear! I am Rose Gonzales. Shivaay Singh Oberoi has told me to keep these here. I will go." The woman goes away after locking the door.

I hold my head and take deep breaths. What the hell is happening? It is all alien to me. I can't think of anything at that moment. I just want to get out of this but how?

I am again lost in my thoughts when the door clicks open and there is standing................................


Hey guys! So, this was the first chapter. 

Is anyone, by any chance confused? And do you have any queries?

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