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Shivaay's POV

It's so strange that how two people meet in different circumstances and fall in Love. I always thought that Love was just an attraction between two people until I fell in love myself. It's so different and amazing.

4 long years is enough to forget anyone but I couldn't do so despite of trying so much. I couldn't forget the Love and I am overwhelmed that Annika also didn't forget me. Love is so powerful.

Annika and I are soon to get married. I am very happy but at the same time, disturbed by one thing. Annika and I live in two different countries. I am obviously gonna continue to live in India with my family but I am not sure if Annika'd be willing to come with me. I am so scared to ask her about it.

I am standing in front of Annika's apartment right now and I am so excited to break the news to her that the date to our marriage has been decided. Just a week and she will be mine.

I am greeted by a hug as she opens the door. She's in a messy state, as if cleaning the house.

"Mrs. Rose says that there's a lot of difference between me and her. I think she is thinks right because she's an old lady who looks after the house and I am a little boy who goes to school. What do you think?"

I joke and she turns to me with horrified expressions. I so want to laugh but at the same time, I will have to remain in the character too. Let her meet my last two personalities.

I sing a rap along with beatboxing. I bet she doesn't know that I can rap too. Rk is here public. She is rooted to her place. I guess she has gone into shock and I don't even know how to retrieve her.

Just as I take my position to do the Belle dance which I seriously don't know how to do, I notice tears in her eyes. I laugh and take her in a hug.

"Hey! I was just playing around. I didn't mean to hurt you baby." I tell caressing her hair as I notice her sobbing against my chest.

"You're so bad." She breaks the hug and starts boxing on my chest.

"Baby, calm down." I hold her hands and she stops but walks away into the kitchen.

No way! I came here to break the marriage news to her and now she's mad at me. This idea was indeed the worst. I stomp my feet in frustration and follow her into the kitchen.

"Surprise!" She shouts as I step in confusing me for a moment. She steps aside and it's beautiful and creative.

"I didn't know you could cook." I say astonishingly.

"No, I can't cook. I can bake." She replies sliding her hands in my arm and placing her head on my shoulder.

"You were angry a moment back." I say.

"I never was. And I knew that you were playing along." She replies.

"Then why did you cry?" I ask.

"Because I was also playing along." She tells and we both burst into laughter.

Well, she has baked a cake, actually cakes that look like some date. I look at it carefully and then at her, astounded.

"How do you know?" I ask. I wanted to break this news to her. Who told her?

"Well, I talked your brother Omkara into telling me." What! Om?

"If it were Rudra, I would've believed it but Omkara? Impossible." I am getting a lot of surprises since I stepped into her house. Well, I hope there are no more to come.

"Shh. Cut the cake? Cakes?" She offers and we both cut the cake, feed each other and have a gala time over dinner.

"Well, what's your room like in India?" She asks all of a sudden as the movie ends. I just got to know that she is a die hard fan of Harry Potter and JK Rowling like me. Well, it feels good, finding a person you love also loves what you love.

"It's large, an attached swimming pool, blue theme." I tell her and she chuckles.

"That's how you describe your room?" She asks and I shrug.

"Well, in that case, how would you describe your room?" I ask.

"My room is aesthetic. White theme with a tiny of blue. It's large but cosy and airy.  In the middle of the room, there's a big round bed and it's back wall is filled with photographs. Then there are lampshades hanging from the ceilings, giving a vintage look. One wall is . . ."

"Woah! Okay, you win, I loose." I say breathing out.

"Btw, when you'll see my room, umm... our room, you'll be able to describe it too." I tell and wait, I haven't asked her the important thing.

"Annika? I was wondering, after marriage . . ." She places a hand on my mouth cutting me in between.

"You don't have to worry about that Shivaay. I was anyways thinking to shift back in India because it's been enough I am staying away from my country." She tells.

"If you're saying because I live there, then don't." I tell here and she shakes her head.

"Well, life will be traditional in India and is classy here?" She jokes.

"No way." I tell her and inch closer.

"Instead, it will be very, very, very romantic." I tell and close the distance between our lips. She tastes the same like the first time.

One Month Later

Annika's POV

I don't know what this feeling is about. It's a mixture of nervousness, happiness, excitement, Love. I am so overwhelmed right now. This is the most amazing feeling in the world for a woman, sitting in the middle of the bed with all those romantic thoughts, dressed up as a wife, waiting for her husband.

I have been waiting for him since quite a long time now. The door clicks open and my wait is over when Shivaay stumbles in as if someone pushed him from outside. 

He locks the door and takes small steps towards the bed setting his hair. He sits beside me and stares for a while.

"You look beautiful." He compliments and I blush unknowingly.

"There's something for you in the washroom. Would you wear that out for me?" He asks caressing my cheek and then my lower lip with his thumb.

I nod and he helps me get up from the bed. The dress is obviously a nightie but it's so cute, neither too revealing nor too open.

As I step out of the washroom, I see him standing with two wine glasses wearing shorts and a button down shirt, his buttons not done. I find him so hot all the time.

He hands me the glass and pull me closer. Instead of drinking, I pour the liquid down his chest looking into his eyes.

He drops the glass in his hand on the floor and grabs my hips pulling me. I wrap my legs around his waist and walking over to the bed, he drop me before hovering over me.

By confiding in each other, we celebrate our first night and consummate our marriage.

"So, what will be our life afterwards?" Shivaay asks.

"A normal, happy life. We're gonna have our honeymoon, produce babies, grow old together and then die in each other's arms." I answer and he hovers over me.


Hey guys! What's up? So, the epilogue is up.

Would really appreciate if you could write a few lines about how was the journey of this book? Or just simply drop a heart ❤️.

Well, sadly, there'll be no bonus chapters to this book. I am so sorry guys.

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