Chapter 26: Wanderlust

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The rising warm June sun cast a warm glow over the school parking lot. Six a.m., and a fleet of buses lined up like giant catepillars ready to transport the senior class to our much anticipated amusement park visit.

I sat in the passenger seat of Dad's car, joey tapping away at the steering wheel as I gazed out the window at the busting scene of teacher chaperones and students. "Hey, you sure about him?" Joey spoke as I turned back to him. His eyes filled with a mixture of happiness, concern, and older sibling wisdom.

He was continuing our conversation from the beginning of the drive: Coen and I's relationship. 

I smiled, feeling a surge of gratitude and love. "Joey, I've never been more sure about anything in my life. Coen makes me genuinely happy." Joey arched an eyebrow, a playful smirk dancing on his lips. "Genuinely happy, huh? Not just putting on a show for social media followers?"

I chuckled. "No show, no filters. Just pure happiness."

He nodded approvingly. "Alright then. But remember, if you ever need anything, I'm now officially just a few miles away. And, uh, be safe on the senior trip." He reached into the glove compartment, producing a small box of condoms with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

I burst into laughter, feeling a mix of embarrassment and amusement. "Joey, seriously?" He winked, handing me the box. "Hey, better safe than sorry. Give some to Wes too. Have fun, but be responsible." With a theatrical roll of my eyes, I accepted the gift. "Thanks, weirdo."

Joey grinned, running a hand over his hair, "You're welcome kiddo. That's what big brothers are for." Exiting the car, I hoisted my luggage and approached the chaos near the buses. A teacher stood by, organizing student's belongings into the compartments of the waiting buses. The line was far too long, and once I spotted Mrs. Lansette, I called out to her to let her mark me present on the list and handed over my bag, exchanging quick words of gratitude with her.

As I stepped onto the bus, my eyes traveled along the rows of seats until they landed on my friends, and Coen, who had saved me a seat. A warm flutter of excitement filled my chest, and I quickened my pace, finding my spot beside him.

"Good morning." I leaned forward, placing a soft kiss on his lips. He looked exceptionally gorgeous this morning. His hair was covered by the hood of his black hoodie, the only thing visible being a rolled black and white bandanna tied around his forehead.

"Good morning to you too." He smiled, kissing me back. I looked around the bus, spotting our friends in various seats. Wesley sat most obviously with Nova, Kenji with Dominic, and Blair sitting beside some random kid who was obnoxiously attempting to offer her peanuts. Blair turned around, her eyes wide with a mix of disbelief and desperation, mouthing the words "Kill me now."

I burst into laughter, shaking my head in amusement. I brought up my right hand, forming a finger gun, and pointed it in her direction. I mouthed boom and recoiled my hand. She flew her head back, falling limp.

Dominic clapped his hands together, "Bravo. The two of you deserve an Oscar." The bus engine rumbled to life and I settled into my seat glancing out the window to see Joey standing at the car, watching the departing buses. With a wave and a reassuring smile, he mouthed, "Have a blast, kiddo." And with that, the adventure began.

The hotel room, filled with the sound of Blair's music on shuffle, was quite nice. Nova and I sat on the bed, talking about our relationships as we awaited Blair to finish whatever she had been doing.

Blair burst out of the bathroom, radiating a different kind of energy. "Guess what, guys? Alex just invited me on a fishing trip in July!" I raised an eyebrow, my skepticism apparent. "July? As in next month?"

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