Soulmate au

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The person who you are tide with at the soul, your other half, the love of your life.....

When you become 16, a mark would appear on your body, matching with the one of your soulmate. It could be a drawing or a saying, something that was, or will be, meaningful for the couple.

Eddie was ecstatic. Tomorrow was his 16th birthday. He was the first one of his friends to get his mark. He was hoping with all his heart that it will be something about Richie, for he has been hopelessly in love with him since they were 14. Richie thought it would be interesting to have a sleepover , so that everyone can see how it happens and what his mark will be, but Eddie decided he would like to do it alone.

That night, when the clock struck midnight, he felt a sting on his hipbone. He watched the mark forming until it was complete. A white cast with the word loser on it, but the S had a big red V over it, forming the word loVer instead. "How could that be meaningful for me and Richie?" Eddie thought sadly. "It must be someone else".....

At school, when he shows it to the losers, they all looked confused. Richie stared at it with a pale face, Bill noticing it and trying to distract Eddie from looking toward him.

"D-d-do you k-k-know who it c-c-could b-b-be?" Bill asked giving Richie a side glance. He will have to ask him about his reaction later.

"Actually no.I have no fucking clue"

"You probably don't know him yet." Stan said still eyeing the mark

"Yeah, but it would have been nice to know him already. We could have had more time together"

"Eddie you're acting like you're 40" Bev said crossing her arms over her chest.

The Losers broke into a fit of laughter.


When they were biking home, Bill asked Richie to stop by his to hang out. Richie shrugged and accepted. They got there quickly, laid their bikes on the front lawn and went to Bill's room.

Richie sat crisscrossed on the bed, looking at his checkered socks. He has been unusually quiet today.

"Okay, what's g-g-going on, R-R-Richie? Why have y-y-you b-b-been so quiet t-t-today? And what w-w-was t-t-that reaction when E-E-Eddie showed us h-h-his m-m-mark?"

"I don't think he remembers..... " Richie says still looking at his feet.

"What d-d-doesn't he r-r-remember?"

"Do you recall that time when we all got into a fight with Henry Bowers?" said Richie finally looking up at Bill

"You have t-t-to be m-m-more specific R-R-Richie."

"In the summer between 5th grade and 6th grade. We were at the Quarry when Henry and his goons came and started trowing punches at us....."

"Yeah, so? What' s-s-so s-s-special about t-t-that fight?"

"Eddie broke his arm...." Richie said looking at his feet again.

Realization hit Bill "Oh s-s-shit! Eddie is your soulmate!"

Richie chuckled "You didn't even let me finish."

"I d-d-don't need to. I r-r-remember. E-E-Eddie got a cast and then G-G-Greta wrote l-l-loser on it. When y-y-you saw y-y-you grabbed a r-r-red pen from your b-b-bag and w-w-wrote a V on it!"

Richie looked at Bill with wide eyes "Wow. And you didn't even remember the thing in the first place."

"You have t-t-to t-t-tell Eddie!"

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