Chapter 9

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The pair made their way through the halls. The alarms seemed quieter now, perhaps they'd just grow used to them. A comfortable silence held between the two. It was one of those rare times that 035 wasn't endlessly talking. 049 wasn't fond of the idea of ending the quiet but curiosity was eating away at the back of his mind.

"035, who were you talking about when you were trying to get 079 to help us?" The mask turned to him and hummed before a look of realization crossed his face.

"Oh right, I forgot you hadn't met any of 'em yet." He began to rattle off numbers and nicknames. Even though he was usually rather good at following 035's ramblings he got a little lost so he merely listened while 035 went on.

Once the mask had finished 049 spoke up again. "So, who are we supposed to be looking for?"

035 shrugged. "Anyone I guess but mostly just 173, 106, 096 and 682. Lucky for us they shouldn't be to hard to find."

049 simply nodded and they continued walking. They chatted while they did. 035 bringing up a yearly festival held in the town square. It was a beautiful sight, the streets alive with music and dance, flowers decorated every stall, and one couldn't walk five steps without being showered in petals. Oh how much they missed those days.

The pounding of boots on the concrete floor was enough to pull the pair out of fond memories. Two MTF members made their way down the hall, guns at the ready. The scps hoped they'd just pass them by but wishes like that were pointless.

The MTFs noticed them immediately. And thus began the same song and dance that happened each breach.

The lights began to flicker, changing to a purple hue as they did. The MTFs raised their guns as black tendrils grew from the ground.

049 took a step towards the two, hand outstretched. One of the guards shifted his focus from the porcelain mask to the Doctor. 035 stuck his arm out to stop his partner from moving any closer.

"SCP-035 and SCP-049 don't come any closer, please re-" The guard was interrupted by an ear splitting wail. They all covered their ears.

Mere seconds later a D-Class came sprinting down the hall. He was pale and running for his life. Not caring about the scps and MTFs right in front of him, he only cared about getting away from whatever the hell was screaming. The guards stood and watched, still slightly in shock.

049 twitched and his fingers brushed against the man's arm, but even that was enough to send the man crashing to the floor. He was dead before he hit the concrete. Without skipping a beat 049 turned to the body and removed a scalpel from his bag.

Shaking off the shock the guards raised their guns towards the Doctor. 035 quickly stepped in front of him, blocking him from the fire. Just as the guards were about to fill the mask's host with bullet holes the screams grew to near deafening volumes.

A pale, gaunt creature raced towards them, mouth stretched wide as it screamed. 035 immediately turned to cover the Doctor who way now curled into a ball, hands covering his ears.

The guards never stood a chance, they'd already seen its face after all.

The other two scp remained huddled closer. The mask clinging to the Doctor as if their lives depended on it. Fabric and flesh were torn, wails and screams of pain echoed through the empty halls. They were so loud. 035 moved his hands to cover 049's eyes, which were already squeezed shut. The howls died down leaving only the sounds of quite crying in their place.

035 rubbed 049's shoulders, trying to calm him down because although he might not admit it, he was shaking. The mask leaned his head down to the 049's ear, a sympathetic look across his face.

"Shh, it's ok, it's alright," soothing the Doctor hand never been an easy feat and now was no exception. Footsteps grew closer to the two as did the crying. "Just don't look at his face," he patted 049 on the back and turned to face the blubbering mess that stood before him. Back to his usual smiling self.

"So, Lanky, how've you been?"

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