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As a mother you never want to see your children get hurt. It took a lot to accept that Noah and Summerlyn wanted to race just like Ryan. Although racing has been made safer, you could never be too sure. I was ecstatic for Summerlyn winning, therefore I rushed over to victory lane. I wasn't even aware Noah was injured in the crash until Ryan called me.

"Mr. and Mrs. Blaney?" A nurse calls out. Ryan and I went outside the waiting room receiving the news about Noah.

"Your son was extremely lucky. He managed only to sustain a broken leg and a few minor cuts and bruises."

"What's recovery time look like?" Ryan questioned.

"Six to eight weeks plus another month of physical therapy." The nurse replied. "He's awake, so you guys and family may visit him anytime now."

"Thank you." I sighed in relief. "You go, I'll tell the kids." I added. Ryan nods and excuses himself while I returned to the waiting room. Briella, Jordyn, and Summerlyn sat together. Briella and Jordyn engaged in a conversation, while Summerlyn sat quietly next to them. "Come on kids, let's go see your brother."

"Mrs. Blaney, Noah is free to go home. I'll just need you and your husband to sign the release forms." A nurse passed over a file of papers. I nodded as I entered the room with the girls.

"Hi honey, how are you feeling?"

"Hi mom, I'm doing okay. I'm kind of bummed out though. I'll miss two months of the season."

"I know you are, but the faster you follow the doctor's orders, the sooner you can get in the car." I replied. "Ryan, papers." I held up the file. Ryan and I went over to the couch signing the release forms. As we filled out papers, I couldn't help but notice Summerlyn's behavior. She just seemed off, she wasn't her usual self. She was leaning against the doorframe observing everything from a distance. "I'll be back."

"Nothing is wrong mom." Summerlyn said as I approached her.

"You're a good liar, but I know when something is on your mind."

"I don't know. I just feel like all my life I've been overshadowed by Noah. It just seems like nothing I do makes dad proud-"

"Now you know that's not true. Your father is beyond proud of you and loves you to death."

"It sure doesn't feel like that now. Dad hasn't even said one thing about my win, because all he cares about is Noah and preserving his career. Dad is only keeping me around because I'm his daughter not because of my talent. I'm out of here-"

"Summerlyn Blaney, get back here!" I called down the hallway.

"What happened?" Ryan asks.

"I'm not the one to say, but I think you and your daughter need to talk soon."


"Hey Stella, are you on your way to the airport?"

"Yeah, I'm on my way with Kianna. Why? What's up?"

"Could you pick me up at the hospital? I need to get out of here now. I'll explain everything later." I promised, impatiently tapping my foot on the cool cement. "And can you drop me off at Emma Purdy's house? I don't think I can face my parents or my brother right now. I need to talk to her."

Emma Purdy, another influential figure in my life. She is a long time family friend to the Blaney and Elliott family. Emma used to drive for Blaney Motorsports, until she signed with Team Penske in Cup. She won a lot of races and championships. She established herself as the most successful female driver in the sport of racing. I hoped to become at least half the racer she was. Sadly, she retired last season but still remained around the sport as much as possible. Whenever I butted heads with my parents, I always went to her. She always knew the right things to say. She was like a second mother to me.

"Of course, I'll be there in five." Stella hangs up. I sat down on the curb waiting for Stella and Kianna to arrive. "Hop on in." Stella calls out. I quietly claimed into the car before Stella drives away.

"How's your brother doing?" Kianna asked, oddly concerned. I'd never seen Kianna and Noah together under any circumstance. Why was she so concerned about my brother?

"Broken leg, he'll be out for a few months." I shrugged peering outside my window.

From Uncle Chase: Your folks are worried sick. Where'd you run off to?

To Uncle Chase: I'm leaving for NC with Stella and Kianna. I really don't feel like seeing my parents at the moment. I'll be staying overnight with Emma P.

From Uncle Chase: Alright, I'll tell them your in good hands. I'm always here when you wanna talk. Proud of you today kid. You did amazing out there. Many more wins coming your way. Love you.

To Uncle Chase: Thanks Uncle Chase, love you too.

Legacy | Ryan Blaney | Book 6Where stories live. Discover now