7 | feelings

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"Tell me everything about your date. What did you wear? What did he wear? Did ya'll kiss?" Stella interrogated me about hanging out with Theo. "Girl, spill it already!"

"First off, you need to chill." I chuckled sitting her down. "He took me out for go karting then we went for food. Nothing else happened." I replied as Stella's face appeared to look disappointed, but she knew me better than anybody. There was defiantly more to the story. I attempted not to make it too obvious, but Stella caught me.

"Was there physical contact?"

"He wrapped his arm around my shoulders. Feel better?"

"Wait, seriously? Are you telling the truth or are you just saying that so I will shut up?" Stella crossed her arms over towering me. I chuckled and squeezed past her grabbing my firesuit off the couch. "We're not done with this conversation."

"I can dream." I rolled my eyes.

"He kissed you didn't he?" Stella smirked. I fought hard not to blush, but I didn't win that battle. "You kissed Theo Murphy the hottest driver around!"

"Quiet down! Someone could hear you." I shushed Stella.

"Girl, you're twenty years old. You need to get out and live a lil."

| pre race |

"Eyes on the prize now Blaney." Jimmie stated before I climbed into the car. "Since Noah is out, all eyes are on you. Let's keep this momentum rolling." Jimmie encourages patting my shoulder.

"Good luck Blaney!" A voice called from a distance. Theo stood over by the pit wall raising his hand, giving a thumbs up. I smiled before sliding into my seat.

"Boyfriend? Does your father know about it?" Jimmie jokes.

"He's not my boyfriend." I chuckled. "And no dad doesn't know, and we're gonna keep it like that."

"My lips are sealed." Jimmie winks before putting my window net up. "Seems you and Noah are getting into some feelings." Jimmie points out Kianna and Noah laughing before she climbed into his car.

"Yet he's never been on a date with her-"

"You went on a date with Theo Murphy?"

"I swear your like my second dad." I rolled my eyes. "But yes, I guess you could call it that." I whispered.

"What secrets are ya'll keeping from me now?" Dad asks walking up. "Better not involve any boys." Dad unknowingly jokes. Jimmie quietly snickers behind dad before walking towards the pit box.

"Of course not dad." I replied. "My mind is on racing."

"That's my girl."

| last laps |

"Start saving some fuel here, don't shift as much." Jimmie reports. "Damn, I hope this strategy pays off." I heard him mumble.

"Your words are very encouraging." I reply. The race ran pretty smoothly for us. We ran within the top ten all day. Currently, I was a second behind the leader which was my teammate, Kennedy.

"Kennedy is out of fuel!" My spotter exclaimed.

"We should be good. Go for it!" Jimmie encourages. I speed up a bit more and started getting closer and closer to Kennedy. Finally, I made a pass in the outside, taking first place. Back stretch I had to pass some lap traffic, no big deal there.

"Car spinning turn four." I hear my spotter report. "No caution, keep going." He adds as I came into turn four. "Slow one on the bottom."

"Summerlyn Blaney will win at Atlanta!"

"YES! THANK YOU GUYS!" I say taking down my window net.

"Go do your burn those tires the hell off Blaney! You deserve it." Jimmie says. I grab the flag and did my burn out to a well deserved win.

| victory lane |

"Great job kid." Jimmie smiled pouring a water bottle on me.

"Thanks chief." I smiled. I get interviews and photo sessions out of the way before walking over towards my family.

"Not bad sis." Noah shrugged.

"Like your hurt ass cares." I rolled my eyes.

"To be fair, I would've beaten you." Noah smirked.

"Proud of you." Dad pulled me into a hug. "You're mother has been texting me like crazy. She's thrilled for you and she wishes she could be here." He adds. I couldn't remember the last time mom missed a race. She's always been at the track, but unfortunately had some business to attend to, concerning Whit and Kay's Shop.

"Thanks dad."

Legacy | Ryan Blaney | Book 6Where stories live. Discover now