5 | the harsh reality

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I always wanted the very best for my kids. I thought giving them an opportunity to drive at BMS would help them flourish. I noticed lately that it was only a burden to them. They were harshly and unfairly critized by fans, especially Summerlyn. I will admit I was a bit biased as a team owner, but never as a father. As a father, I was always proud of my children and their successes. As an owner and former competitor, I liked my cars winning and being consistent. I was harder on Summerlyn as a racer, I'll admit that.

I won't lie, I heard pieces of McKayla and Summerlyn's conversation. I put the pieces together and came to a realization. I failed to be an owner and father to her. I wasn't there to congratulate Summerlyn in victory lane, even though I overheard Noah being transferred to the hospital. Even then, at the hospital, I had plenty of time to tell her how unbelievably proud I was of her. I failed to even do that.

Life never stopped for McKayla and I. Being parents to four kids requires lots of running around. The twins were twenty, but we still had a fifteen and fourteen year old still growing up. I was always working on being a father, husband, and team owner. McKayla continued to be successful in the lifestyle/fashion industry, while still being a mom, wife, and team owner.

Life also never stopped throwing obstacles in our way. About two years ago, McKayla's mom, Cindy died of a heart attack. A piece of our family was taken from us. Earlier this year my mom was taken from us as well. We lost two amazing ladies in our lives. McKayla and I slipped into a depression after our loses. It was hard not having both of our parents around, especially for the kids. Throughout all that, we still managed to obtain our close knitted family.

To Summerlyn: We need to talk when I get home.

"Ready to leave?" McKayla asks.

"Yeah, let's head out." I smiled pushing my phone into my back pocket.


"Here you go sweetie." Emma (Purdy) smiles handing me a mug of my favorite, hot chocolate. "Now, wanna tell me what's wrong?"

"I just feel like nothing I do impresses my dad. It seems like it's always about Noah with him. I know Noah got hurt and all, but he didn't even congratulate me on my win. The one time I do something worthy of his praise, I don't receive anything from him."

"You feel overshadowed by your brother, and it seems like your brother gets all the attention. It may seem that way, but I can tell you your dad is beyond proud of you. He loves you so very much even if he doesn't show it all the time. I watched you grow up alongside your dad. He was head over heels in love with you, and he still is. My best advice is talk to him. He'll listen to you."

"I wish it was that easy. It feels like forever since we've actually had a real conversation. It's all about racing."

"You're dad doesn't express his feelings easily. He's always been like that. But for you? I'm pretty sure he will, because he loves you and wants to have a relationship with you, his daughter."

"You know, I always hate it when your right."

"I know." Emma chuckled. "Now let's set this aside, and catch me up on things."

Emma and I sat on the couch talking for hours on end. It felt nice for once to have someone sit down and actually listen to me, besides my mom. I could always trust Emma to be that reliable person.

"Alright, get to bed. The guest room is all ready for you."

"Thank you."

I walked upstairs and changed into more appropriate sleeping clothes before curling up underneath the bedsheets. As I was about to close my eyes, my phone buzzes beside me.

From Dad ❤️: we need to talk when I get home.

I left the message on read, because there was nothing to say. I was going to face my dad eventually.

Legacy | Ryan Blaney | Book 6Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora