6 | honest talk

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"Need anything else honey?" Mom asked gently propping my foot up on a pillow. "You name it and I'll get it for you. You're gonna be a spoiled young man for the next two months."

"I'm good mom, but thank you." I chuckled.

"Alright, call if you need me." Mom waved as she exited the room. I pulled out my phone, for the first time, and started to reply to all the text messages I'd received.

From Kianna Renner: Hey, just wanted to say I hope you make a quick recovery!

From Noah Blaney: Hey, Kianna. Thanks for the well wishes!

"Knock, knock." Dad appears in the doorway with papers in his hands. "We have some important business to discuss. Take a look over this list and tell me who'd you like to replace you. The sooner we pick one, the better."

I take the paper out of dad's hands, scanning the list of possible names. No names stuck out to me. I wanted none of these drivers touching my car, let alone driving it.

"Can you be on this list? I want none of these people." I commented turning to the next page. That thought quickly faded till I got to the last name.

"I wish son, but no I cannot be." Dad chuckled.

"Okay, I have one. Kianna Renner, by a long shot. She's been in the Truck Series for three years, she's proven she should've moved up last season. I want to give her that chance."

"Alright, I trust your judgment son. I'll give her a call right away."


I arrived at home early the next morning. My dad's truck sat in the driveway, indicating he was definitely home. An anxious and nervous feeling washed over me as I punched in the garage door code. I had no clue what our conversation would be like, but it was either going to be a waste of time or productive. I walked inside and was greeted firstly by my mom who was cleaning up the kitchen.

"Did you eat anything this morning?"

"Yeah, I had breakfast at Emma's place."

"You're father is finishing up a business call, he'll be down here soon."

I quickly throw my bags into my room before retreating outside. I sat down on the porch overlooking the lake behind our house. It was a beautiful and refreshing sight as the sun glistening on the water's surface. The glass door slide open, I could tell it was my dad due to the heavy footsteps. A chair slides up next to me and my dad sits down.

"When you and your brother were born, I felt like the luckiest man alive. I had a beautiful wife and three amazing children. I was the first one to hold you and I looked into your eyes, and I knew you were going be successful. I just wanted you to be happy."

"I just feel like I have to constantly fight for your approval and praise. It's always Noah getting all of the attention. I did one thing right yesterday, that I thought was worthy of your praise, and I got absolutely nothing from you. When it comes to racing, I don't know, I just feel like you put Noah before I do."

"I'm sorry Summerlyn. It was never my intention to make you feel that way. I lost focus and balance on being a father and an owner all at once. I am way beyond proud of you yesterday. You made moves on that track that I was scared to do at your age. I'm really sorry Summerlyn, I hope you can forgive me." My dad says. My dad never showed any emotion, but he was clearly showing it now.

"It's okay dad, I forgive you." I take my dad's hand. He weakly smiled up at me before pulling me into his embrace,

"I love you so much."

"I love you too dad."

| night |

Everything was patched up between my dad and I. It felt good to get everything off my chest, and for him to actually listen to me. After our conversation, we went to the shop together and debrief with the team and Jimmie, before celebrating with the team on a great victory.

From Unknown: Hey Summerlyn, I was wondering if you'd like to hang out later this week?

From Summerlyn: I'd think about it if I knew who you were...

From Unknown: God, I'm so dumb... Its Theo Murphy. So how about it now?

From Summerlyn: Depends... When you picking me up?

From Theo: I'm free Monday night

From Summerlyn: Monday works for me :)

From Theo: Great, see you then ;)

From Summerlyn: Good job today btw. Second place ain't bad.

From Theo: Says this weekend's Xfinity winner ;) Night Summerlyn

From Summerlyn: Night Theo

"Who's the lucky guy?" Stella smirks as she leaned against my doorframe.

"No one." I blushed.

"It was Theo wasn't it? You have a thing for him!" Stella gasped.


Legacy | Ryan Blaney | Book 6Where stories live. Discover now