9 | criticize

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@realracernews: Summerlyn Blaney is nothing but a one hit wonder. Yes, she is among few female drivers to win two Xfinity races. But female drivers are quickly overshadowed by the dominance of male drivers especially her brother, Noah Blaney. S. Blaney is shielded by her famous father, Ryan Blaney. It is safe to say Summerlyn Blaney is only in BMS because of her father. Summerlyn Blaney will be nothing but another "Danica Patrick" in the sport of NASCAR Racing.

@raceralertnews: Anybody could've won the Daytona 500. Summerlyn Blaney only won at Atlanta, because the major front runners were taken out early on.

The last name Blaney, as I said, has its perks, but it also comes with an extreme amount of criticism. It was something I was used to, but that didn't mean it hurt like hell. Trying to make a name for myself was hard, especially when there was people out there wanting me to fail. People expected me to crash and burn under pressure.

"You know better than to read this crap." Theo grabbing my phone from in front of me. He slides in the booth across from me and places the phone away from us.

"I would've seen it eventually." I sighed, before he took my hands.

"Well, just know all of them are wrong. You're going to prove them all wrong, and I'll be right beside you through it all."

"Thank you Theo." I smiled. "I really appreciate that."

Theo and I finished up our breakfast at the Waffle House, before heading back to the track. Theo and I sat in comfortable silence as I scrolled through social media. I came upon a post that warmed my heart and made me feel a thousand times better. The post was on my mom's account, and let's just say, my mom always knew how to cheer me up

@mckaylablaney: A powerful woman capable of anything and everything ❤️ I love my daughter!

Comments:@summerlynblaney: I love you so much mama ❤️ I get all that strength from you@nascar: We agree!!@brittanylogano: beautiful!@whitneydillion: ❤️😍

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@summerlynblaney: I love you so much mama ❤️ I get all that strength from you
@nascar: We agree!!
@brittanylogano: beautiful!
@whitneydillion: ❤️😍

| race |

The green flag waves and the cars were off into turn one. Kianna, my biggest competition today, started last because of a unapproved adjustment, was passing cars like crazy already. Coming to the backstretch, she'd passed about ten cars already.

"You were the fastest car on the track by a long shot." Jimmie come through the radio. "Keep doing what you're doing."

| end of Stage 1 |

"Summerlyn Blaney dominated this stage and will win yet another stage!"

"Great job Blaney. Need any adjustments?" Jimmie asks. I simply say no and asked for four tires and some fuel. Pit road opens and cars file onto pit road. I slide into my pit box and my crew gets to work.

"Nice stop guys." My father comments.

| stage 2 |

"Summerlyn Blaney wins another stage yet again. She has dominated this race so far."

| end of race |


You'd think dominating a race would cease all criticism, but no, it was just the start. The next few weeks would bring my team and I some bad luck. Back luck draws all the criticism there is. The NASCAR community noticed it as well, and I received multiple interview offers. I accepted one that would premier of Race Hub. All I wanted was my voice to be heard, and that was just exactly what I was going to do.

"Summerlyn, we're ready for you." Kaitlyn Vincie announces.

"You got this honey." My mom smiled quickly moving a piece of loose hair away from my face. I smiled back and took my seat placed in front of my line of race cars within BMS. I take one last look at my extraordinary support group behind the camera. My mom and dad were here, my sisters, my brother surprisingly, my teammates, crew members, and Theo.

"And action!"

"Hello, I'm Kaitlyn Vincie and welcome to another driver's spotlight interview. Today, we have the one and only Summerlyn Blaney."

"Thanks for having me."

"I know we're only a few weeks into a new season, but you've already made so much noise in the Xfinity Series. How have those three wins motivated you?"

"This is my second season in Xfinity, and my rookie year was the hardest thing I've had to go through. I wouldn't have wished a rookie season like mine upon any driver. Getting three wins this season, though, has been extremely uplifting. I've proven to myself that I am able to and can win races."

"I know those wins have brought lots of joy. I know your fans have loved seeing this new success. Of course days before your third win, and extreme amount of criticism was put in your way."

"I won't lie, I do see what people say about me constantly. It does hurt, but I can't let that phase me. A lot of people believe that I'm only here because of my father. My dad is a well respected man and former driver. I've made it clear to people that I'm here because of me. I've put in the work and the long hours to get to where I am today."

"You said you see what people say. Do you ever take their words seriously?"

"I take criticism seriously, but not personally. I know people are waiting and just wishing failure upon me. This is a male dominated sport. There are few women in NASCAR who were able to find success. A driver who has opened that door for women being able to win races was Emma Purdy. She beat my own dad for the championship the year he was set to retire. So, being one of the few current female drivers, I've got to prove that I'm worthy enough to be here and win races."

"You're only twenty years of age, yet you take all this negativity towards you so well. How is that?"

"I'm fortunate enough to have been raised by an amazing woman. My mom taught me at a very young age to take no crap from anybody and to know my worth. She's taught me that I am capable of anything I set my mind to. I remember my first truck race and I ended crashing out. I got judged harshly by people the next day. My mom saw me reading all the negative comments, and I'll never forget what she said to me. She told me to always hold my head up high because there are people who would love to see me fall. Gender doesn't matter, it's the amount of passion and what drives you, that is what matters the most. I won't stop driving. I will continue to do what I love and what I'm passionate about. That's something nobody can take from me."

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