20 | now i got enemies

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Everything seemed to have been turning around for the better. With everything that happened recently, I'd been coping surprisingly well. I was in a good place. I'd been seeing a therapist trying to manage my mental health with Stella's death. My racing career finally seemed to have gone somewhere, Noah and I were in a good place, and Theo and I were better than ever.

"Hey guys." Mom smiles as she passed by. "Your father and I will just be outside if you guys need anything." I see my mom and dad look at each other and smile. I'm assuming they were thrilled that Theo and I had gotten past our issue.

"Thanks mom," I called out my head still laying on Theo's shoulders. Not only was I in a good place, but Theo and I were as a couple were too.

Theo and I were cuddled up on the couch binge-watching Star Wars all day before we left for Bristol. About halfway through our movie, Noah comes through the front door, with the most peaceful and contempt look spread across his face.

"Someone's looking a little love-struck," Theo comments refocusing his attention on the TV. "The great Noah Blaney in love." Theo teases.

"Shut up, let me be happy in this moment." Noah happily sighs sinking into the couch beside us.

"I'm guessing your date with Kianna went well then?" I questioned.

"Better than well, try amazing!" He exclaimed happily, with the dumbest grin. "Why didn't you guys tell me about the thrill and rush you get when you're on dates?"

"Well? You gonna tell us what you guys did?" I chuckled.

"We went go-karting-"

"Typical racer first date." Theo joked.

"Shush." I covered Theo's mouth. "Go on."

"We got a bite to eat, then just walked around and talked. It was like the easiest conversation ever. She's just perfect." Noah smiles. "Best date ever." Noah goes off into his own world for what seemed like Noah.

"Uh-" Jordyn waves her hand in front of Noah's face. Noah doesn't move as he was still deep in thought. "Is he okay?" Jordyn questions poking his shoulder. "He doesn't look okay."

"This is what love does to you." Theo points at Noah.

"Great first Summerlyn, now Noah." Briella rolls her eyes.

"What you mean?" Theo questions. Briella and Jordyn look at each other exasperated, then give Theo a look.

"Summerlyn doesn't shut up about you, and now Noah is not gonna shut up about Kianna," Jordyn explains. "I need another vacation." She sighs walking out of the room with Briella.

"Your sisters are quite the characters."

"Tell me about it."

| sunday cup race- bristol |

I sat in Theo's pit box with Noah, cheering him on in the final 25 laps of the race. Theo was currently in second, right behind Cash Bowyer who was leading. I sat there nervously looking at the monitors his crew chief was scanning over. Lost in thought, all the sudden chaos erupted as a caution waved with 18 to go.

"Damn it," I said standing up.

"What is Bowyer doing?" Theo's voice came through the radio asking.

"Pitting." His crew chief came back. "It's up to you Murphy, what your choice?"

"Shit," Theo mumbles to himself. "I'm staying out, I'm hoping enough cars will be between Bowyer and I. I got to do something different from Bowyer."

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