19 | what love & fear can do

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"You okay?" My mother asked handing me over a cup of coffee. "My mother instincts are kicking in, something is off about you."

"How'd you know dad was the one?" I blurted out taking the cup of coffee. "I'm totally asking for a friend."

"Ah, first relationship issue. Don't think I've prepared myself for the conversation." Mother chuckled sitting down next to me. "Well, you know the story of your father and I. I gave your father one too many chances, but it ended working out. He changed because he wanted to not because of just me, that's when I knew he was the one."

"And how do you know when somebody has changed?"

"Honey, there's only so much advice I can give you. These things you have to figure out on your own." She sighed. "But I'll leave you with this, it's better to listen your heart than your mind. Sometimes logic ain't gonna cut it, in these types of situations."

"Mom, I think I love him."

"Well, there's never a reason not to chase after the one who makes you feel that."

"Thanks mom." I weakly smiled.

"I love you, I know you'll make the right decision." She smile, placing a kiss on top of my head. I sighed and curled up in the chair, sipping my cup of coffee, deep in thought.


"Kianna will you go-" I repeated in the mirror. "What am I doing? This is stupid." I throw my arms up in defeat. "I'm never going to be able to do this."

"Do what honey?" Mom asked leaning against the door frame along with dad.

"How long have you guys been standing there?" I embarrassedly questioned.

"Long enough." Dad chuckled. "Who's advice do you want?" He motioned between him and mom.

"I'd say mom's advice, sorry dad."

"I'm on a roll today, in your face Blaney." Mom cheered in dad's face.

"Whatever Blaney." Dad jokingly rolled his eyes, making his leave. Mom walks in confidently, sitting down next to me.

"What can I do?" She asked.

"I don't know, I'm asking Kianna out today and I'm freaking out a lot. One moment I think I'm ready, and the other I'm chickening out." I explained. "I've always been so confident in everything I did. Now when it comes to, I don't know, I just get all flustered like I forget how to function."

"That's the feeling of love and you care about this a lot." Mom placed a hand on my shoulder. "You are going to to just fine, she's probably just as nervous."


"Well, this thing between you and Kianna has been going for a while. She's been probably waiting for you to ask for awhile now, and the longer you wait and put it off, the more nervous she becomes." Mom says. "And that's better advice than you'd get from your father. Your father would probably say man up and buy her flowers."

"So, I shouldn't have gotten her flowers?"

"No, no, you should've. It's a nice gesture, but the man up part is dumb. Girls find shy and nervous guys charming. You father certainly didn't man up when he asked me out. He was practically shaking like a chihuahua the whole time."

"Really? Dad was nervous?"

"We're all human Noah, even your father." Mom smiles. "Honey, I know you have a lot of self doubt, because behind that tough exterior you put up, you're terrified. I can probably guess that your scared to put yourself out there, because you don't what to get hurt."

"Yeah, terrified is one word for it." I sighed.

"I was terrified to let your father back in my life, but, I didn't let fear control me. If I would've said no, I would not have your father or you guys. Love is a powerful thing, and it can be scary. Letting your father back in my life, ended up being the best decision I ever made. Your father is my person. Everyone has a person."

"Okay-" I let out a shaky breath.

"Fear keeps you from a lot of things, good things. I don't want doubt and fear to control you and steer you away from what could most likely be a lifetime of happiness." She explained. "Now-" She starts before straightening out my shirt. "Go out there, knock on her door, and get your person."

| kianna's house |

I pulled up outside of Kianna's house. My hand were shaking the whole drive over, I wipe the sweat of them quickly on my jeans. I took a deep breath and looked over at the flowers laying on the passenger's seat. My hands shakily grabbed the bouquet and hopped out of my truck.

"You got this Noah." I whispered to myself, before ringing the doorbell. After hearing the doorbell go off, I wanted to run, but I stood my ground waiting for an answer. Lost in my thought, I didn't realize Kianna was already standing at the door.

"Noah?" She questioned, making my head jerk up. "What's up?"

"Umm-" I shakily say, trying to find the right words, or any words at all. "Listen Kianna, I l-like you, and it's the type of like that is more than a friend-" I stopped myself realizing how stupid I must have sounded. "Sorry, I'm butchering this."

"It's okay Noah, I think I get it." Kianna chuckles. "And for what its worth, I like you too, you know the type of like that is more than a friend." Kianna smiled, poking fun at my nervousness. Relief washed over me hearing those words come from her.

"Well, Kianna Renner will you like to go out with me tonight?"

"Noah Blaney, I would love to go on a date with you."


I walked up to Theo's driveway to see him outside working on his truck. His hair was messy, he had grease and oil staining his shirt and skin. It had been a few days since we had both talked or seen each other. Theo gave me my space as I tried to process everything, and decide what I wanted. Theo came into sight, seeing me slowly make my way up to his driveway.

"Summer-" He nervously scratched the back of his neck. "Hey."


"Listen-" We both said at the same time.

"You go first," I replied, uncomfortably folding my arms across my chest.

"I was just going to say that I'm sorry, you know, about not telling you that I dated Kendall. I should've told you, but during the time I was dating her, that was a dark time for me and I wanted to forget everything I did back then. That version of myself, I'm embarrassed and ashamed of looking back. I promise you I will tell you that story, but right now I'm just not ready to."

"I get it, Theo, I'm not going to force you to talk about something that you're not ready for. But I will say what scared me away the most was the cheating part, and not so much that you dated my cousin." I explained hugging my coat closer. "I just need to make sure that you won't do that to me-"

"Summer, I would never-"

"Because I swear, Theo Murphy if you break my heart, I don't know if I could love somebody the same as I love you-"

"What? Y-you love me?" Theo asked stepping towards me.

"Yes, and I'm petrified. So, I need to know that you if your planning on breaking my heart-" I started to go on a rant, but Theo's lips on mine cut me off. Theo pulls back after a few moments, staring deep into my soul.

"And I love you."

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