Chapter 4 • The Brains

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Southern France, 1002 A.D.

Klaus, who has blood dripping from his mouth, looks down sadly at the man he's just fed on and killed, still gently holding his wrist in his hand. After a moment, Kol comes up behind him and smacks him playfully on the shoulder.

Klara was stood waiting for the rest to finish, her appetite wasnt as strong as theirs.


ol smiles, "Who's ready for the next course?"

Behind them, Finn looks at them and shakes his head exasperatedly,"You are all filthy gluttons!"

"And you remain ever the dullard."

THe Mikaelson siblings have just fed on and killed another five people, though these victims appear to be wealthy and of high status, opposed to the commoners they fed on earlier. Rebekah is crouched over her victim, a woman wearing a blue velvet dress, which she strokes longingly before speaking.


Such pretty clothes. What a shame they'll go to waste."

Elijah, stood beside his sister in law, rolls his eyes in frustration.


lara sighs,"Rebekah, we have discussed this."

"You discussed this! None of us had any say in the matter! This lot were traveling somewhere-- their cart is full of silks and finery. Five of them, five of us. Wherever they were off to, why could we not simply go in their stead?"

"Masquerade as nobles from a land we do not know and whose customs we cannot begin to understand?" Elijah backs her point." Ridiculous!"

Rebekah scoffs, "You saw the castle down the road! It was practically a gala! If this bunch were headed there--" she gestures at the bodies strewn across the ground around the five of them.

"Look at them! They're not any better than we are. We could live as they do! At least for a time." She adds on.

Elijah and Klara roll their eyes and sigh in exasperation, but Rebekah is insistent.


Think of it! Llara, we can hide in plain sight. We could live ordinary lives--"

Suddenly, Klara senses something and taps Elijah's shoulder. "Silence." Elijah says.

Elijah focuses his hearing and realizes there is someone nearby whose heart is still beating. He gestures toward their victims' cart, and the others follow him as he goes to examine it. He lifts up a blanket and flings it away, revealing a young, dark-haired man (Lucien) who is terrified to see them. He jumps out of the cart and attempts to flee, but Kol, Rebekah and Klara vamp-speed in front of him and block his way.


evekah smiles, "Well, aren't you a handsome one?"

"Looks like dessert to me..." Kol stalks toward the man, who immediately raises his hands in a non-threatening manner and attempts to stop him.

" Wait, wait, wait! I can help you!"

Klars looks at him curiously, Klaus walks up behind her placung his hands on his wife's waist. the man nervously continues, "Now, I am- I am the personal servant to the Count de Martel, and the barriers that you just mentioned...? I was sent to escort these guests to his home for a lengthy stay. I know their customs, as well as the Count's habits. If you mean to pose as the family you've slaughtered here, then you'll need my help to carry out your ruse."

Lcien looks at Klara, whose face is emotionless, but Rebekah looks hopefully at her older sister.

:Please, can we keep him?"

"Rebekah, no! What is our most important rule?" Klara asks.

Rebekah rolls her eyes, "Never leave alive anyone--"

The others chime in and join her
"--Who has seen what we are."

"Thank you very much. A practice that has served us very well indeed."

Finn grabs Klaus by the shoulder and holds him back before he can kill the man. Everything Klara said sounded reasonable to him, maybe it was because he was in love with her but she was the one keeping them all alive. They'd surely be dead by now if it wasnt for Kara's cleverness.


She has a point! He may be of use."

"Ah, a proper family squabble!" Finn saysm

Klaus raises his hand to silence him and walks over to join them.


Perhaps we should put it to a vote. All those in favor of letting him live?" Klaus says, looking at his partner, she nods her head agreeing.

Rebekah and Finn raise their hands.

"Those inclined to gut him?" Kol asks.

Kol and Elijah raise their hands. Klaus and Klara looks torn.


Oh, Nik, Klara. What shall it be?"

They sighs and pauses for a moment before walking toward Lucien, who still looks terrified.

"Votes over, that's 4 to 2, we've won." Klara smirks.

A/n long chapter ahha!

I'll update again tomorrow, good night lovelies <3

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