Chapter 30 - Sang

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A/N: unedited...

I've been up all night, practically shaking with nerves and jittery excitement. Today's the first day of school, and for most people, that wouldn't mean much. But I've literally never gone to public school before. My stepmother has always been wary of Marie and I going out in public, so she never allowed us to go to school.

But for some reason, this year I'm being forced to by my father. I don't actually know the reason as to why I'm only just being enrolled into a school that isn't online and why they're so adamant on it, but I can only assume they're hiding something. It's just very strange behavior from them, if you ask me. I've seen a sparkling a fear in their eyes lately, and I want to know why.

Anyway, the time on my phone reads it's five in the morning, and I have to catch the bus at 7:30. So I decide, instead of laying in bed and pondering the day's possibilities, I'll just go and do my chores before getting ready for school. So that's exactly what I do--clean the whole house excluding my parents' and Marie's room, make breakfast that I'm not allowed to eat, and get Katherine's pills ready to swallow. And then I begin my morning routine that lasts about only ten minutes after I'm finished, the time now 7:10.

I brush my teeth and hair--making sure to leave it down because I know Gabe doesn't like my clip--pick out a knee-length, light pink, pleated skirt and a white blouse. Deciding to be a little more dressed up than normal, I take a strand of blonde hair from either side of my face and tie it in the back of my head in a bow with my baby pink ribbon, revealing more of my face. Now content with my look, I slip on a pair of sandals and grab the bag my father bought for me--filled with school supplies--and sling it over my shoulders, my notebook and pencil, too. The time is 7:25 and I quickly rush downstairs before my stepmother decides it's a good day to punish me for being late.

"Thank God you're here. I didn't want to be late for the bus because you thought it a good idea to hold me back. And why do you have your bag? Only losers bring their stuff for the first day of school." I don't reply, even though I'm curious as to how she could possibly come up with that conclusion, as she's never been to school either. "Now come on, and remember--when we're at the bus stop, don't stand so close to me. I don't want to be seen with you." I nod as she quite forcefully grabs ahold of my wrist and tugs me to the front door. She lets go only when we make it to our stop, making sure to stand as far away from me as possible without straying too far.

I look over to Kota's house to see him and Nathan both getting in his car in their fancy school attire, shutting their doors, and pulling out of the driveway. I then hear the sound of a large vehicle approaching before I turn around and see the bus almost here. And when I turn back around to see Kota's car, I realize they're just about to pass us.

Both of them barely send me a glance, but not out of spite; they know my sister is close and can see our interaction. But when the bus finally pulls up to our stop with a loud screech and the boys finally come close enough to pass, they send me sly, barely noticable smiles and I send them both a playful wink. They chuckle to themselves before driving away and unknowingly taking individual pieces of my heart with them, just like they do every time we have to part.

But I shrug it off and try to pretend as best as I possibly can that it doesn't phase me as I mount the bus and awkwardly wave to the bus driver with the kind smile. She tells me her name is Darlene and to have a seat. Shifting my gaze to look upon the rest of the rowdy bus, I see that every seat has at least two people in it already, but most have three. And there's no specified boy or girl side like I assumed there'd be from the books I've read. No, there are boys and girls sitting very close and comfy with each other in each seat, some kissing in the back. I try not to openly cringe.

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