Chapter 47 - Sang

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I can feel the grumble of the vehicle I'm in beneath me. The ride is bumpy, like we're driving on gravel. Sounds like that, too.

I'm awake, but I can't seem to open my eyes just yet. It feels like they're glued shut, but maybe that's a good thing right now.

I can hear the person that kidnapped me driving in the front, as I feel the cushions under me, letting me know I'm laying down in the backseat. It isn't very comfortable, but what can one truly expect in this kind of situation?

I know that there is a chance they'd see me open my eyes and know I'm awake, and I don't want them to know I'm awake. Not yet. Because I can use this to my advantage, and possibly make a run for it when the car stops and we've reached our destination--wherever that is. Probably hell or something.

As if reading my thoughts, the car begins to slow and come to a halt. I know we aren't at a stoplight or a gas station or anything like that because the ground is rocky. So unless someone built a gas station on top of gravel, I'd say we've reached our destination.

My heart starts to beat a thousand miles a minute, and my eyes finally seem to be unglued from their stiff mold. But I won't open them just yet.

The person--man, I'm guessing, if the build and stature of this person have anything to say about it--gets out of their seat in the front. I can hear their boots shuffling in the gravel before the backseat door is opened.

Suddenly, I'm being grabbed and pulled out of the car. I try to mellow out my erratic breaths to keep this person from knowing I'm awake. I don't think I'm supposed to be right now.

I can see and feel the warmth of the early-morning sun on my face behind my closed lids, as the person picks me up and throws me over their shoulder.

When I know they can't see my eyes, they finally snap open and I'm met with an actually pretty sight. I was right, we are surrounded by gravel.

I can't see what's behind me, but I can see what's behind this man. Very verdant land with big, beautiful trees and woods stretching as far as the eye can see. Especially my eyes, as I hang upside down on this random stranger's back.

Preparing myself to bolt, I close my eyes and take a deep breath, counting down from ten. Come on, Sang, you've got this. Just think of the boys. Think of getting back to them.

And with that, I knee the guy in the chest and he doubles over, coughing. I take this moment of weakness to ram both of my elbows down onto his back, and he drops me.

Not even bothering to stick around to find out who this person is, I make run for it, bolting for the trees in front of me. Thank God I spent all those years exploring different parts of the woods growing up. It's given me a good sense of direction and has helped me to run faster. Though, I wasn't always able to run with all the injuries I've received. And I can only run so long before I end up coughing up my lungs and wheezing until I cry.

I can hear the guy behind me picking himself up and sprinting towards me. I could tell under all of the layers he's wearing that he's pretty in shape, so I know I don't have long before he catches me.

With all the strength I can muster, I manage to get my legs to move even faster as I sprint through the trees all around me. And I begin to lose hope because I can tell that this forest is far too large for me to reach the end before this man catches me. My best hope is to climb a tree, so that's what I start to do.

I find the tallest tree I can in such a time crunch and I begin to scale it, putting one foot on the bark as I reach for a branch above me. But suddenly, the man comes out of nowhere and knocks me off, winding me completely as I come into contact with the hard ground.

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