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(N/n) moved slowly up the creaking stairs and down the hall to Shigaraki's door. It was closed. She knocked, and received no answer. She pressed her ear up to the door. There was movement inside, she could hear it. She tried the knob, pushing the door open once she found it was unlocked.
The blue-haired male was pacing around angrily, tearing at his skin like usual.
'No wonder Kurogiri wanted me to check on him...'
She stepped inside the room, and unfortunately, the old floor creaked below her. She winced at the sound.
The male's eyes shot up to her.

"Get. Out." He scowled.
The girl didn't move.
He only got more ticked off, his hands reaching up again with a look of anger on his face. He wanted to yell, his neck seared in pain that his wished to be relieved, but just as he went to tear even deeper into his own skin, he was stopped.
His eyes opened to meet a pair of (e/c) ones right in front of him. Her hands held him by his wrists, keeping his hands from causing more damage.
He glared, ripping himself away from the girl. "Don't fucking touch me, are you stupid!" He scolded her.
"Who do you think you are! Storming into my base-"
"Kurogiri sent me." (N/n) cut him off. He went to protest, but she snapped at him, pushing him backwards to where his feet hit the base of his bed. "If you've got a fucking problem, take it up with him." She scowled.
The male growled at her, but did not say anything more. He huffed childishly, plopping himself down on his bed and crossing his arms.
"I really hate you damnit." He grumbled.
"So I've heard..."

"So what the hell do you even want?" The blue-haired male asked irritably. (N/n) sat down beside him carefully, crossing one leg under herself as the other touched the floor.
"Misty wanted me to fix all the crap you do to your neck." She replied. Her eyes trailed up and down the male's figure, inspecting him. "But you might need more than that by the looks of it."
He growled. He wanted to hit her.
She just rolled her eyes.
Her hand reached up to touch his neck, but he pulled away rather quickly, glaring at her defensively. She furrowed her brows, looking up to him. "Sit still or it'll take longer." She demanded.
The male didn't move, but he didn't protest. (N/n) leaned in closer.

The girl placed her hand more slowly against Shigaraki's neck, tracing it smoothly down to his shoulder and up to his cheek while leaving a thin coat of ice over him. He hissed at the cold, but for once, he didn't say anything.
Though (n/n) could see the terrible look in his eyes.
"The ice will keep it from swelling or getting more irritated than it already is." She explained. He seemed a bit more accepting of the treatment after, but he still wasn't happy.
(N/n) stepped back, and wandered the room with her eyes. Surprisingly, she found a first aid kit laying around in his mess of a room. Shigaraki followed her with his glare as she walked across his room to grab it. She came back, and tossed the kit on the bed, holding a small tube in her hands.
"What's that." Shigaraki demanded, inching back slightly.
The girl rolled her eyes. "It helps it heal." She said, though the male still looked skeptical. Her eyes narrowed, and she huffed tilting the container towards Shigaraki. "You wanna do it?" She glared.
The male stayed silent.
She scoffed, "fine." She took the tube of cream herself and uncapped it. "Then shut up."

Now Shigaraki was a bit mad.

She placed some of the cream on her finger, and spread it across one of Shigaraki's open cuts. He winced as it stung his skin, and swatted the girl away. She huffed and tried again only to be pushed away once more.
"What did I tell you? Stay still." (Y/n) huffed. She inched closer again, and Shigaraki protested. She had to use her other hand to fight away his swatting motions and lift up his chin. She finally had pushed him away enough to apply the cream on another cut, but just as she touched him, his hand grabbed her wrist.
Her eyes widened, and reflexively, she tore her hands away from him.
The skin on her wrist flaked off. Her arm began to bleed.
Soon, the entire area of skin where his hand had been, was decayed and cracked. She winced in pain. The male stared at her almost in shock.

He didn't mean to do that.
He didn't.
He had always been careful about that.
It wasn't supposed to happen.

His nails raked against his skin. God, why do things like this always happen? Maybe his irritation and anger had overcome him. Maybe in his fit of pushing the girl away he had grown careless. Maybe it was her fault. She's the one that had made him uncomfortable from the very minute she entered. There was just something about her that made him feel off, he didn't like it. He felt off.
Yeah, maybe it was her fault.
It definitely was.

The male watched her in silence.
She growled at him. "Stop clawing at yourself damnit."
He stopped.

Silently, He watched as (n/n) took a step back, holding onto her arm and biting onto her lip harshly to keep from making any sound. Her eyes watered, and she winced as she watched the decay finally stop its growth up her forearm. She groaned, wanting to fall to the floor but staying up. She looked to Shigaraki. He stared back.
She inched forwards and reached for the first aid kit, knocking it off the bed as her hands shook slightly. The sudden clash of sound seemed to knock Shigaraki out of his trance, and he scowled at the materials on the ground.
His foot jutted out, kicking the bandages towards the girl without him even realizing. She took them, and hastily covered up her open wounds, wincing as the bandages touched her raw skin. Once she had finished, she looked up to Shigaraki with a glare. But she didn't say anything.
Instead, she stood up, walked towards the male, and picked up the medical creme she had earlier. She continued her deathly glare towards the male, and plopped herself down next to him upsetly.
"You. Are. Not. Going. To. Move." She demanded.
The male was taken back. He unconsciously complied to the girl's request.

He tensed as she touched his skin, yet again cooling it with her ice. (N/n) lifted Shigaraki's chin with her finger, and he let out a silent sigh accepting his fate.
Why did she have to come here and take care of him? He hated it. He hated this feeling.
"I hate you." He mumbled. Wincing as she covered his open wounds with stinging ointment.
"How many times are you going to tell me the same thing?"
The blue-haired male didn't answer.
He felt uncomfortable.
He felt strange.

"How does burn boy feel about you being up here..." he suddenly asked. The girl looked up to him in question, and surprisingly, he too was just as confused. Why did he ask that?
The girl continued to tend to his wounds. "Dunno.. he doesn't know so who cares." She said. "Why?"
"Cuz you two are connected at the hip practically." He replied.
(N/n) hummed.
"It's so annoying..." Shigaraki muttered.
The girl sighed. "We're... close.." she said quietly. "It's complicated.."

Shigaraki furrowed his brow.
A weird sense of disappointment set in his body.
He just hummed.

"It better not get in the way of things.." he muttered. (N/n) sighed, and the male let her continue with what she was doing.

'God I hate this feeling...'

WOAH another update. Yeye! Have fun boiz

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