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A weeks time passed before a meeting was finally arranged for the league and the villain 'Overhaul'. Twice had replaced (N/n) in telling Shigaraki the details. It wasn't really ordered by anyone it just sort of happened.
It was for the better.
Shigaraki didn't need the distraction.

The league set up in a rundown building in a city half way between theirs and overhauls. They had waited there for a couple of hours, and twice was sent out to fetch the prospects.
And to the other passed the time on their own accord.
(N/n) stayed relatively silent. She felt like she was at a wall, and didn't want to do anything to set someone off.
This is what happens when you surround yourself with insane men.

She crossed her arms, and leaned back against a crate. Her brother was next to her. She payed no mind.
"(N/n).." he called. His next words would be 'are you alright?' And so she answered immediately.
"I'm fine Dabi.. I'm just.. thinking," she said with a sigh.
"You do that a lot now."
"I've got a lot on my mind."
He hummed, and though he didn't believe her, that was the extent of their conversation.

The main door soon opened, everyone stiffened a bit. Twice walked in, with a slightly taller figure following behind him. Along with two others. The league stood on guard.
The talker man, Kai Chisaki, seemed rather displeased with the meeting place. A dusty warehouse, shabby, unclean.
He was very verbal about that.
Shigaraki stepped forwards. "Twice, what have we said about bringing garbage here? You really need to check before you just bring anyone over-"
He was annoyed as hell.
Chisaki huffed, but calmed himself. "You assume I'm the garbage?" He muttered, and gestured to the surroundings, "who's the group living in a filthy warehouse? Without a plan? Without a leader."
Shigaraki narrowed his eyes. "You've got nerve to complain as you came to try and join us."
To this, Overhaul shook his head. "Not join you" he corrected.

He started to explain.
"The world in is shambles as it is, both sides have lost a pillar, and need one to rise quickly."
Shigaraki scoffed, "it'll be me." He said simply.
Overhaul disagreed. "Your ideology is good. Your methods, are lacking." He said. "I doesn't matter how many people you have if you can't execute. You had moonfish didn't you? And several other valuable assets. But alas, they were all lost for trivial reasons. Give it up. You have no idea what you're doing."
Shigaraki tensed.
"I. On the other hand, have everything I need in order to allow the villains to rise to their place at the top. I have access to any resource I need." Chisaki said.
"But it'll be hard to gather a following, from an old name like the yakuza. Now.. if the league was working under me.. that'd be a different story."
Shigaraki gritted his teeth. "Twice... you should check people's intentions before bringing them here.."
The rest of the league could see this wasn't going well. They were preparing themselves.
Chisaki hummed. "Just think. Your publicity, under my direction.. it would create the most powerful force of villains there ever was, even more than that of all for one"

There was silence in the room.

Someone from the league spoke up. Magne stood, "I don't think you understand something"
She lifted her weapon, a giant magnet, and forced the man towards it. "We didn't join this group to be used! This is our home!" She rushed forwards to attack him. "And You've got some nerve trying to take it from us!"

"Home? Who said that." Dabi muttered.
"I've claimed twice as my brother, so..."
"Wh- you're acting like that too??"

Magne tried to hurt Chisaki, but to no avail. It only took one touch for the male to activate his quirk, and suddenly, the upper half of magne's body was eviscerated.
The room suddenly froze. Chisaki rubbed his arm, the blood utterly disgusting him.

[Heat] ~My Hero Academia~ (Dabi's sister AU)Where stories live. Discover now