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It was raining. It was cold. (Y/n) stood pressed into a small doorframe to avoid the weather. She was waiting, she and her brother were supposed to meet here.
It had been an hour.
She was getting worried.
After a while (y/n)'s patience diminished, and she pushed herself up, walking in the rain. It's wasn't a big town, but it was dangerous in the dark areas between buildings. Of course, that's where she was. She didn't belong anywhere else. She wasn't safe anywhere else.
She felt heat coming from an alley to her left.
She headed that way. Quickly.

The heat grew more fierce. She saw blue flames emerge from around a corner.
She began running.

Touya was in the alley. But he wasn't alone. Someone else was there, a knife in hand.
There was blood dripping from the blade.


(Y/n) couldn't remember much of what happened. She was freezing in the rain, her hands and arms solidifying in ice as she practically dragged her brother to the shed they had made into their makeshift home for the time being. They were too young for people to trust them with anything else. It was all they could find at the time. Touya was out of it all, bloodied and burned. The rain hit him painfully.
The girl shut the door hastily. She set her brother down, and stepped back. Her hands covering her mouth as she finally got a good look at him.
He had cuts on his torso and face. His arms had deep, blistering burns running front he top of his hands up to his elbows. She had never seemed him injured like this. Burns like these would never heal. He'd be scarred gruesomely.
Tears welled up in her eyes.
"T-touya-" she couldn't breathe. She fell to her knees, inching closer to the male. "Touya..!" She cried.
His eyes were closed.
But his chest was still rising and falling. His hands moved slowly, reaching for hers. She gasped.
Tears fell from her eyes.
"You idiot!" She cried. She pressed her forehead against his chest, sobbing. "What were you doing?!"
The male grunted, raising his hand to touch her arm.
She ignored him.
"I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry!" She mumbled.
The male shifted uncomfortably as she cried.
"It's okay..." he mumbled to her, though she couldn't hear.
"I'm alright..."

He slept for two days. Tending to his injuries was tedious. (y/n) couldn't bare to see him like this. She couldn't lose him. She couldn't let this keep happening to him. He was all she had. She cherished him.
She loved him.
She didn't sleep at all for those two days.

When Touya awoke she was next to him. Her head was buried in her arms, her hair covering her face.
He let out a tired breath, and lifted his bandaged arm, placing his hand on the girl's head. He brushed through her hair; she lifted her head slowly, and stared at her brother. Her eyes welled up with tears again. He pulled her into his chest.
"...I love you..." she cried.
"I love you too.." he repeated tiredly.

He did.
But, that wasn't the full story. Not to him.
Things were too complex, he couldn't bring himself to explain certain things to her as they life drastically changed from running away.
The contents of his secrets slowly changed him, he grew colder. And (y/n) being unaware had no idea why.
Even so, she knew things were going wrong.

To her, running away isn't as hard as it seems. Not nearly as bad as it looks.
No, running away was easy.
It was the conscious decision to leave everything behind. The sudden statement, that you have absolutely nothing and no one, that was hard to take. To follow her brother in that decision, blindly, even if she thought she wasn't. It made every loss that much bigger.

It made her loss of him, the loss of her true brother, that much harder.
He wasn't the same. Not anymore.
Although they were still together, they had never been more separate.

He had cut himself off, and she had given him the knife. They couldn't be together. But they couldn't live without each other.
It was a dual edged blade.

What had happened to them..?

Here's some angst and a little explanation on their relationship???

Yn and Dabi were attached. Hella attached. They were forced to be each other's siblings, parents, and for a short moment, they even grew to be lovers. But obviously, that's not good, and yn knew that, and so she stopped it all.
And well. Dabi wasn't happy. And with everything going on the last thing they needed was that kind of divide between them.

So now.. it's complicated. They're together but not. They're still siblings after all. But their connection is a bit.. strained.

That's all for now. Enjoy.

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