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The air was warm, the scent of burned cigarettes lingering in the atmosphere. A pounding, aching pain pulsated down (N/n)'s body. Her throat still burned. The light hurt her eyes.
She gained consciousness at an agonizingly slow pace, fading in and out for a while before she had finally managed to steady herself. Her eyes closed for a long moment, getting used to the light in the room, before finally opening. She could barely move, her limbs still delayed in their reaction to her commands.
She sat up slowly.
She was in a bed.
Her eyes widened, and immediately she threw the covers off of her body, grabbing at all of the fabric touching her.
Thank god her clothing was still the same as she had originally worn it.
She looked around, the room she was in was quiet. She was alone, the door to where she was was completely open.
Where the hell was she??
She fell trying to get out of bed.

Footsteps creaked across the old wood floor, (n/n) could hear someone coming from the other room.


"(N/n), are you-"
He stopped, seeing her on the floor wide eyed and honestly fearful.
She backed away from him slowly, but the man didn't follow her. He just watched her, his expression somewhat concerned.
He saw blood seeping down her injured arm. "O-oh, (N/n) you're still hurt!" He called, rushing forwards. He held her arm, "here let me-"
"Don't touch me, get away!"
(N/n) ripped herself away from the blonde man. His grayish-blue eyes stared down to her in a confused state. She kept pushing him away when he tried to get near her, yelling hoarsely at him.
"Hey, (N/n)! Wait. Stop!" The man shouted, realizing the problem. She fought him still, and he grabbed ahold of her wrists. "Stop! Calm down, it's me!" He said.
She furrowed her brows.
"It's twice..!"
He fumbled with one hand, pulling his mask out from one of his pockets where it had been stuffed.

(N/n) grew silent.

"It's just me..!"

She blinked a few times, her chest still filled with fear. "T... twice..?" She mumbled.
He watched her carefully, nodding his head.
It took her a moment to process. She covered her face with her hands, leaning back against the floor. Her body trembled.
"I'm fine..! I'm fine..." she shook. Her eyes stung, she realized she had tears in them.
"You're really not!" He pulled her back up to sit. "Breathe.."
He modeled a few steady breaths for her to copy. It took her a few minutes to finally calm down. She still seemed afraid, withdrawn, but at least now she wasn't on the verge on panic.
He took a look at her injured arm and tended to it. She stayed quiet and let him do so.
"Are you alright.?" He asked after a while.
(N/n) nodded, "Yeah.." she sighed, "I was just.."
Twice nodded, not needing her to finish. He knew the situation; it was understandable why she was terrified. thank god it was him at that bar and not someone else.
"What were you even doing there..?" He asked.
(N/n) looked to the floor. "I... dunno. I was just.. upset.." she said. "I wanted to distract myself..."
"From what..?"
The girl didn't answer him for a moment. He realized it was probably the same thing he had picked up on the last time he had seen her. He kind of regretted asking her now, he didn't want to invade her privacy.
"-you don't have to-"
"-I know.." she interrupted him. "It's just.. my family and stuff..." she admitted.
She couldn't stop herself from thinking about everyone. Endeavor mostly, initially, but then her thoughts couldn't help but trail to her siblings, her mom.
She felt cold.
She didn't notice the tears trailing down her cheeks.

Twice watched her with worried eyes. He felt awful for her; for some reason he didn't expect the information she had given him, but now that he had it, he realized how hard (N/n) must have it.
He couldn't imagine having a family and not being there with them, being a villain with that left behind.
What was she even doing in this situation?

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