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It took a while for (N/n) to come to. Her vision was blurry; her head hurt. She groaned, pushing herself up from the ground and squinting at her surroundings. She was surrounded in darkness. Her heart began to beat rapidly.
She nearly had a heart attack as someone grabbed her arm. They covered her mouth, her breathing grew heavy.
A blue flame lit the area.
"Calm down its me." Dabi hushed her.
She blinked a few times, and sat back slightly. Dabi released her from his grasp. He sat in front of her, waiting for her to adjust to her surroundings.
"We're in a warehouse.." he began to explain. He looked around the building. (N/n) could barely see. "Everyone else is asleep.."
"What happened?" The girl asked.
Dabi shook his head. "It all went south, that's what happened.." he said. "According to Twice, Shigaraki's 'master' shoved us all through one of Kurogiri's portals before we got caught."
(N/n) furrowed her brows.
"So... the bar is gone." She asked.
"And that kid..? Bakugou?"
"Got away."
(N/n) hummed. Her eyes had finally adjusted to the darkness; she looked around.
The room she was in was small. She and Dabi weren't alone. Twice, Magne, Toga, Compress, and Spinner were all sat in the tiny warehouse. All in the same room. It made (N/n) wonder. Was this all they had left?
"Where's Kurogiri..?" She asked.
Dabi didn't answer.
(N/n) felt her heart sink a little bit.
That was yet another person lost from her life.
"And Shigarak..?"
"He walked out a few hours ago.. hasn't said much since we all got dropped here."
She clicked her tongue.
After a moment, she leaned back against the wall. "And so All for One lost?" She asked. "He got taken in?"
Her brother nodded.

What had she and her brother gotten into? This place wasn't helping. It wasn't bringing any justice. The only man that had enlisted faith in their success was gone now, and they were left beaten and laid in a dirty abandoned warehouse in the middle of nowhere. They couldn't go anywhere, or do anything without being caught.
What had they done?

The girl let out a loud sigh. Dabi actually flinched from the sound.
"Once again. People are sleeping." He warned her. After a moment, he brushed himself off, and moved to lean against the wall as she did. He crossed his arms and closed his eyes. "And they're not exactly happy..." he said.
The girl frowned.

She sat there in silence for a few moments, before deciding that sitting around wouldn't find her much comfort.
"Are you okay..?" She asked in a whisper. "You got hit didn't you? Is it bad?" She reached slowly to cup his cheek with one hand, while the other checked through his hair to try and look for an injury in the dark.
He was quick to brush her hands away, furrowing his brows.
"I'm fine, don't worry about it."
She sighed softly as she sat back.

"Have you been out..?" She mumbled after a few moments, looking towards the door.
"No.." Dabi sighed. "We've all only been here a few hours.. Shigaraki's the only one who didn't stay.."
(N/n) watched the door. Who knew what was on the other side. Who was waiting there to capture anyone who appeared.
But part of her stopped caring now. She really had nothing to loose.
"I'm going out." She said, pushing herself up from the ground. She made her way forwards to the door without a word. Dabi cracked an eye open, watching her but not protesting her leave.
"Don't do anything stupid..." he hummed.

The door led to a stairway, which led to the roof. Surprisingly, the building they were all in was located only in the outskirts of a nearby city to their previous location. (N/n) had half expected them to be on the other side of japan after everything that had happened. But that wasn't the case.
She quickly noticed Shigaraki standing alone near the edge of the rooftop. Had he been here the whole time? She stepped closer to him, but stopped.
Something about his presence didn't feel right. Something told her not to get any closer. He radiated this terrible aura that weighed down the air around him. He stood as a statue at the edge of the roof. (Y/n) couldn't tell what he was thinking.
Slowly, she inched around the invisible barrier between her and Shigaraki and settled at the edge of the roof at a fair distance away from him. He didn't acknowledge her, but she knew he had noticed her approach. She leaned on the ledge that guarded the roof, and looked out to the city as he did. The uncomfortable silence set in.

Shigaraki looked dull. He looked filled with rage and sorrow and hatred, but dull and clouded at the same time. All of this was obviously a huge strike against him. It wasn't only a tactical loss, but an emotional one as well. He had lost his mentor, his master. The only one he could rely on and seek guidance from.
What was he supposed to do?
His body was cold, but he was too exhausted to tremble. His hands clenched tightly on the guard rail. He couldn't muster any sort of action to cope with the enormous pain he felt. He just took it. The piercing pain stabbed him from every direction until he had grown numb.
His eyes focused only on the terrible, terrible city in front of him.
But, unconsciously, his mind had locked into the figure next to him.
Maybe she had formed some sort of distraction for him. Maybe it was just his old hatred against her presence bothering him.
Who knows.
He sank down slightly.

"I'm sorry..." the quiet words slipped from (N/n)'s mouth before she could stop them. She bit her lip afterwards, a weird sense of guilt filling her. None of this was her fault, she knew, but she still couldn't help but feel terrible.
The male let out a huff beside her. There was a long while before he decided to speak, and when her did, it was cold and quiet. "Don't give me your stupid pity..." he murmured.
The girl remained silent. What was she supposed to say? He already disliked her, but she just couldn't seem to stay away from him. Especially not now.. god she was way too caring for her own good.

"...You're bothering me." Shigaraki's voice rang in her ears after a long silence. She didn't move. She felt like he wasn't speaking the truth, but she could feel his presence growing colder by the second.
Maybe she should leave him.
She still couldn't move.
Some odd sense of pain filled her. Maybe it was the slow realization of her situation, the same realization Shigaraki had most likely experienced hours earlier. That everything they had worked for had been cut down. It weighed her down, causing her to lean over the edge. She pressed her head against her closed hands.
What had her life come to..?
For the first time, Shigaraki looked at her. His cold expression softened a bit. He didn't feel bad for her, no, he didn't feel bad for anyone or anything, but for just a moment, he felt like he could relate to her. He wasn't alone in this tragedy.
Everyone right now was in pain.
He looked back out to the city.
Maybe she was more tolerable than he had first thought. He'd have to look more into that.
But not right now. Not any time soon. He'd be busy for a long while.
Busy trying to rebuild an empire that had been destroyed right in front of him.

Comment so I know you guys are alive I updated Yeet

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