Chapter 6

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The Masters' meeting room was located in the large office on Master Pryce's floor under the Archives. Keeper Anderson explained that the Master that has been serving the longest gets the topmost quarters. The order of the Masters went: Pryce, Larose, Gerth and Baker. But of course for some, order meant nothing to them. The Keeper and I settled into a couple of seats at the large circular table. He set up his scrolls and quills and told me just to watch for this one. The Masters began filing in with Master Pryce being the last one.

"Let this meeting be recorded on the 16th of Sun's Peak in 412 of the 2nd Era," Master Pryce said mechanically as the Masters sat down. Keeper Anderson started writing on the scroll. "We also welcome Second Keeper Holcombe to his first meeting. Keeper Anderson, could you remind us where we last left off?"

Keeper Anderson flipped through the scrolls and stopped on one. He squinted a bit as he read it. "You were discussing the recent aggressive activity of the Evenawks, and the conflict between Nesqa and Balendar."

"There is nothing more to discuss on the Nesqa – Balendar matter," Master Larose said. "I have sent some of my best Mages to instigate a peace meeting."

"You did so without the other Masters' approval though," Master Pryce said. "There was too much to look into still. You are rushing things and will only make them worse."

"At least I'm doing something other than talk," Master Larose said, frustrated. "That seems to be the only thing you are good at."

"You will watch your tongue, old man," Master Pryce said, eerily calm.

"I'm with Larose," Master Gerth said. "This was a matter that required action, not sitting on our hands."

"But there were still too many questions," Master Baker said. "We don't even know why it started."

"Do they need a reason?" Master Larose said. "The Nesqians and Balendians are always at each others' throats. Our best course of action is to get the peace treaty signed so we can investigate the matter without further incident."

"IF the peace treaty is signed," Master Baker said in a snarky tone.

"Enough," Master Pryce said. "Larose, get your Mages out of there. We need more time before we interfere."

"Let's put it to a vote then," Master Larose pitched. "All in favour of my plan?"

Master Larose and Master Gerth raised their hands.

"All opposed?" Master Larose asked.

Master Baker raised his hand and Master Pryce's face twisted in anger before he raised his hand.

"By the rules of stalemate, the matter is suspended until tomorrow," Master Larose said smugly.

"This isn't over," Master Pryce said.

Keeper Anderson scribbled furiously on the scroll and I had to make sure my face wasn't showing my shock at what I was seeing.

"Next is the Evenawk uprising," Master Gerth said. "Their raiding parties are nothing new but there are still the reports that they have been kidnapping and executing Mages."

"If the Evenawks want war with the Tower then we should just eliminate them once and for all," Master Pryce said dismissively. "We have tolerated their kind for far too long."

"They are still important to us," Master Baker said, disgusted. "Ghanlar holds many important ingredients for our potions. A proper relationship with them is important to our continued success."

Master Pryce scoffed. "If the Evenawks were that important they wouldn't have free will. They should consider their continued existence a blessing and not defy us."

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