Chapter 25

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The outpost lay on the other side of the trees that surrounded Bauda to the north. The landscape became hillier as we were starting to reach the border between Archanion Field and GhanlarMountains. Further down the horizon the mountains grew towards the sky.

It was understandable why Donkor was upset with the bandits holding the outpost. Sitting on the border, it was the first line of defence against invasion. With bandits fleeing at the first sign of an army, the border, outpost and village of Bauda lay unprotected. The military needed to reclaim the outpost. Returning the fort to Nesqa was as much part of my duties now as retrieving the items for the Keeper.

With the School of the Elemental becoming more hostile and the threat of the Masters silencing Master Pryce, all four provinces of Kalenden could be thrown into a war against the Mages. It was important to make sure everyone was prepared.

Ooo, someone has become all noble and righteous, Cathy said.

It is only the truth. I won't be able to hide or run away from it. It is as much a part of my life as you are.

So we will get to keep killing people? Cathy asked.

As long as we need to.

Then I'll be right behind you, Cathy said. Well...inside you...but that doesn't sound...

Quit while you are ahead.

Cathy chuckled nervously. I'll shut up now.

Donkor and I stood at the edge of the forest, planning our way in. With its large stone wall and watch towers, the outpost was more like a castle. The gate was currently wide open as the bandits didn't feel the need to keep the front door closed while they were coming and going. It was going to prove tricky to get into the place should the gate be closed.

"We need to charge now," Donkor said. "While they are not expecting it."

"If they shut that gate we are done for," I explained. "And frankly, I don't want to get an arrow in the butt."

"They hurt," Donkor informed.

"I believe that," I responded. "So here is what we are going to do. I will disguise us with an illusion spell and we will walk into the outpost and hide."

"What type of disguise would work?" Donkor asked.

"I'll make us invisible," I answered.

Donkor's eyes widened in shock. "You can do that?"

"Yes, but we have to be very quiet," I said. "They can't see us but they can hear us."

"And smell us?" Donkor asked.

"Yes but we should be okay as long as you don't stick your arm in front of their noses," I answered.

"Okay," he nodded.

"With us invisible, we sneak in and you stay out of sight while I get onto the top of the wall," I said. "I'll take care of the archers so they don't shoot you in the butt."

"Arrows hurt," he said.

"Exactly," I nodded. "You ready?"

He pulled out his cleaver and smiled. "Always."

"Follow me and don't make a sound," I said.

"Or smell," he reminded me.

"Or smell," I agreed.

I reached out with my mind and tried to tune out the hum of the forest. I crouched down low and started walking into the opening. I couldn't make out any archers but they had to be in the towers by the front gate. I continued forward until I felt the faint hum of human minds. Targeting the closest ones, I planted my Illusion and picked up speed.

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