Chapter 29

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The Evenawk set me down on the ground with surprising grace. I really thought I would have just been dropped without a care but this Evenawk had been gentle. He introduced himself as Garoks but didn't mention the process the troops must have been through to determine who had to carry the Mage.

The flight here hadn't been any more entertaining than my first flight. The only difference was everyone flew closer to the trees to not give away our position. This, of course, meant I was the victim of any high reaching branch.

I really didn't think it was that sensitive down there, Cathy said. How there is not armour specifically designed for that area?

I'm sure there is, we're not going to find it in the mountains though.

Bak gathered the platoon of about ten Evenawks for a quick word while I adjusted the messenger satchel I had picked up for my tome. It was nice to finally have the giant pack off my shoulders. I just hoped the Evenawks didn't take the staff and Demon's Bane. I'd hate to have to go back and try to get more.

You should be okay, Cathy said. I don't think they would understand the importance of that stuff. Your cookware on the other hand...

That's okay. I don't think I've used it since I smashed that bandit over the head at Aaron's farm.

Ah, good times, Cathy said dreamily.

I don't see why I had to leave my hat though.

So you wouldn't lose it during the flight here, she answered happily.

Seems like a weak excuse.

I know, it's great, she said excited.

Bak approached me and nodded. "The boys are ready. We'll wait for your signal before charging in."

"I wasn't expecting THIS small of an army," I said. "Are you sure you're up for this?"

"Don't doubt us, Mage," he responded. "These boys want their freedom and they will fight hard for it."

"Very well," I nodded. "Watch the skies. I'll send something up to signal you."

"We'll be ready," he said as he turned around to head back to his troops.

I turned and scanned through the forest. Every direction looked the same.

"Hey, which way to the Mine?" I asked.

All the Evenawks pointed into the same direction and I nodded in embarrassment as I disappeared into the trees. One day, I would be able to travel through forests without incident. Today was not that day.

A branch to the face and a stumble into a bush made me wish I could transform MY arms into wings. Luckily I emerged from the forest near the small mining camp at the base of a small mountain. I shook the leaves and twigs out of my hair and robes as a couple of Mages approached me cautiously.

How are you going to play this? Cathy asked.

Guess I should have thought of something.

Well, they think you are a Keeper, she suggested.

Hm. Maybe there is a little lie that could work.

Work the 'I'm more important then you' attitude to really sell it, she said excitedly.

"Don't move," the older of the two Mages said. "Who are you and what are you doing out here?"

"I'm pissed off, that's who I am," I said, shaking my robe out. "And I think there's a bug down my robe so I'll move as I damn well please."

"What's a Keeper doing way out here?" the Mage asked, pointing to my robe.

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