Chapter 14

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Walking into the castle, the intimidation feeling was amplified. The tall ceilings and grand architecture made me feel small and like I didn't belong. Like a Child Apprentice walking into a Master's bedroom. It probably didn't help that I was slack jawed gawking at everything around me.

No. Don't worry, Cathy said. I'm at a loss for words too.

That's rare.

And what does that mean? She asked.

You don't shut up.

A large man in plated guard armour minus the helmet walked up to me with his arms crossed and a weak smile on his face. "I'm Ser Larson, Captain of the Guard, and you are in the WhiteCastle, home to the Great King Victor the 2nd. Do you have business here or do you need directions back to the market?"

"Huh," I said snapping back to reality. "Sorry, I am Second Keeper Holcombe from the Tower of the Watchful Eye and I seek an audience with the Great King."

"Oh," Ser Larson asked with a raised eyebrow. "What is this about?"

"My request is for his ears only." I said.

"I am in charge of His Majesty's security," Ser Larson said. "If your request is important, Mage, then it is important enough for me to hear."

You might as well go for it, Cathy said.

"Very well," I said. "Keeper Anderson requests a staff made at the Forge of Kings."

Ser Larson scoffed. "That's quite the tall order, especially in these times. What makes your 'Keeper' think he can make such an order?"

"I believe I used the word 'requests'," I pointed out.

"Don't give me any lip, Mage," Ser Larson spat. "Everyone knows Mages don't 'request' anything."

"Why wouldn't the King fulfill my request?" I asked.

"Because he has enough to worry about," he responded. "He doesn't have time to play 'Make the Potion' or 'Summon the Frog' with a bunch of magic users."

'Summon the Frog'? Cathy asked.

"Then how about this," I pitched. "If I help solve some of the King's problems, you allow me to make the request."

Ser Larson scoffed. "If you solve his problems, I'll endorse you myself."

"Then we have a deal," I smiled.

He smirked. "Very well, Mage. We are currently in a skirmish with the Nesqians. They believe we are responsible for kidnapping their Emperor's daughter. Prove we didn't do it and end the conflict, and I'll take you to the King."

"DID you kidnap the Emperor's daughter?" I asked.

"How DARE you accuse us of such a petty act," he said turning red.

I raised my hands defensively. "I'm just eliminating suspects. Besides I didn't accuse the Kingdom, I had asked YOU if YOU did it personally."

He squinted at me and turned a brighter red. "I will cut your tongue out if you dare say such things again. You know where the door is. Get out."

"Thank you for your hospitality," I said with a bow. "But I should really be going."

I turned around and walked out of the castle confidently. I began the descent back to the market level.

I'm starting to think merging our personalities was the wrong thing.

Why? Cathy chuckled. That was hilarious to watch. You really made him mad.

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