Chapter 34

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Mage Spencer and the 'Great' Desroche lay unconscious on the floor while my frying pan was sporting a more distorted look then when I first picked it up.

I think its frying days are over, Cathy said.

It could still fry up a little...justice.

...Wow that was terrible! Cathy said. I mean, where do you get those? I'm in your head and even I don't know where that came from.

So comedy isn't my thing.

And you should stop trying, Cathy finished. You've been strange since I freed you from the Binds. You have to snap out of it, the sun has risen.

Sure enough as I looked out the window the rising sun was clearing the horizon. The Evenawks would be flying to battle and would have to face the two, fully aware, defence towers. I needed to get to them quickly and try to disable them.

First, we need to take care of Desroche and Spencer here, Cathy said.

Hmm. How about binding them with the Red Jacket honey? The Evenawks can take care of them after they win.

Works for me, she said. Hurry.

I grabbed Desroche and dragged him over to Spencer's body. I looked around the room for the first time and noticed things I didn't before, a bed, dresser, lots of windows and a small room off to the far side with a toilet. This must have been the Chieftain's old personal quarters.

This could work out in my favour.

I grabbed the sheets from the bed and some shirts from the dresser and brought them over to the bodies. I went to my personal items and grabbed my short sword. Cutting the sheets and shirts into strips I prepared to bind their hands and heads.

Don't forget to scale your hands for protection, Cathy said.

I stopped and laughed softly. I would have totally forgotten.

Seriously, you might have to take a couple of days off to get your head on straight, Cathy said.

I took out the container of Red Jacket honey and covered both my hands in scales. Smearing the honey over the strips, I bound the hands of Desroche and Spencer before wrapping their heads. Hopefully, the honey would be enough to keep them disoriented long enough for the Evenawks to take back the city. With a large bed sheet, I wrapped both of them together for added reassurance. Content with the restraints, I gathered my belongings.

I couldn't find my hat amongst my belongings and sighed as I looked for a garbage can. Most likely it would be on the top of the pile. To my surprise it was being used AS a garbage can. I picked it up and dumped out the scrap parchments while Cathy's laughter filled my head. With the hat on my head, and pack on my back, it was time to head out.

I stopped at the door to the Desroche's personal quarters. It would take a long time to sneak through the house and city, tricking the guards with my Illusion spells. Fighting also wasn't a viable approach because of the time constraint. I headed to the window facing away from the city and looked down. The branches looked sturdy enough to hold my weight and I climbed out of the window onto the first branch.

Slowly and steadily, I dropped down from branch to branch until I was on the lowest one. I was still too high to jump to the ground so searched around for another way. An idea came to mind and I hid it from Cathy.

Now why would you do that, she said as she tried to probe around in my mind. How are you doing this?

Hold onto something.

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