Chapter 27

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The view from the top of the mountains was breathtaking. From here I could see the Tower standing tall over the Archanion Field, the forests to the north and south and the glint of sunlight reflecting off the white castle at ThurlbornPeak. I tried to take in all the sights of Kalenden before the sun disappeared and cast the entire land into darkness.

"It really is the perfect spot," she said as she joined me.

She was a brown haired beauty with sparkling blue eyes. We had travelled up the mountains to take in the sights before I was called away to the Tower again.

"I'm glad we could do this one more time," I smiled while looking into her eyes.

"We can still run away," she said hopefully. "Just spend the rest of our lives up here."

"I can't," I said, taking her into my arms. "This affects all of us. If I turn my back on it now, it will just find us in the end."

"But what if you don't come back?" she said softly as her soft hand touched my face.

"I will," I reassured her. "Once it is over, it can be just you and I till the end of time."

She smiled weakly and I leaned in to kiss her. She pulled away and a look of confusion and anger crossed her face.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Damn it, Andy, we are not doing this," she exclaimed.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, confused.

"Wake up!" she said as she grabbed and shook me.


I sat up quickly, breathing heavily.

"Cathy?" I said. "What the...?"

You dragged me into a fantasy dream? she replied angrily.

How do you know it was my dream?

Because in my dream, I am aware, Cathy explained. Your subconscious was controlling me.

Seems like you had control at the end.

Only after I figured out what was going on! she exclaimed.

Well, it's not like I can control my subconscious! I was stuck going with it too. Couldn't you have just woken me up normally so I could end it?

Like you would willingly end a fantasy, she said in disbelief.

If it was going to make you uncomfortable, yes I would.

Liar, she scoffed.

Well, we'll never know now, will we? You just have to believe and trust that I would continue to be me.

She sighed. I know I'm over reacting is many emotions and...confusing.

What happened?

I... she started. ...need time to think. We'll talk later.


I could feel her trying to hide her thoughts and emotions as she disappeared deeper into my mind so I stopped trying to probe around. If she needed time to think and hide then it must be serious but she was going to explain what happened when she came back out.

I rubbed my eyes and swung my legs off the bed as I tried to remember where I was. Slowly the memories of last night came back. I was in the Nesqian palace and I was to meet Donkor in the morning so we could travel to the border.

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