Chapter 22

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The land of Nesqa is as beautiful as it is dangerous. My 'escort' grew annoyed at my constant questioning but seemed happy to school a Mage in information about the province. The tropical forests of Nesqa are home to some of the most poisonous plants. My 'escort' chuckled about how only the top Nesqian doctors could turn these plants into healing aids. I decided not to mention the alchemy classes I had growing up.

When we hit our first town, I had to stop and admire the architecture. In Balendar, the buildings were made from wood and stone but in Nesqa I learned that the buildings were made from something they called con'creat. They would create large smooth blocks of it and build their bungalows and watchtowers. My escort told me their 'Maiseons' had developed this technique because the wood from tropical trees that grew native to the area was too soft for construction.

Looking at the Nesqian towers and houses reminded me a little of the Tower of the Watchful Eye. Cathy said it was possible that during the Tower's construction both Nesqa maiseons and Balendar engineers had a hand in it.

All day we continued south, finally making it to the ridge overlooking the sea, the sparkling blue water a welcome sight from the green of the forests. With the walls to the capital in sight, I was getting excited to finally have these bonds off my wrists. The tingling was driving me crazy.

"Kay Julis," my escort said, "the CrownedIsland. Home of the Palace and capital of Nesqa."

"It's beautiful," I replied, looking out over the water. I noticed several ships sailing between islands and pointed with my bound hands. "That's a lot of ships."

"Ferries between the various cities," he explained. "The forest here is too dangerous to be trying to build large cities around. The islands hold all the major cities: Kay Naro, Kay Alvara, etcetera, etcetera."

Why did I never try to come here in the past? Cathy asked, most likely to herself. It is so beautiful.

The looming con'creat walls of the capital cast a welcome shade over us as the two gate guards watched on with curiosity. Their armour looked more designed for combat then my escort's armour. A thick hide covered the chest and back and a battle skirt-like piece covered the upper legs. The armour was designed to protect the major organs while still keeping the wearer cool in this environment.

"Another Mage?" one of the gate guards asked as we approached.

"He has information for Emperor Naliwa," my escort answered.

"A group of Mages already came through here and left," the gate guard said.

"What colour robes were they wearing?" I asked.

The gate guard gave me a sharp look. "Blue and red."

What would Elemental Mages be doing here?

I don't know, Cathy answered. But it can't be a coincidence a team of Spiritual mages gets killed by Elemental Mages, a possessed Elemental Mage helped a group of bandits AND a team of them are sniffing around the capital the same time we bring a map with the location of the Princess. Be on your toes.

"I bring him from the east," my escort said to the gate guard.

The gate guard's eyebrow twitched in intrigue. "An interesting development. Go ahead."

The second gate guard motioned inside and the gate started to rise.

"No funny business, Mage," the first gate guard said. "We are always watching."

"With my hands bound like this," I said, raising my hands, "the most I could do is scare some children with shadow puppets."

"Is that some sort of Moumno trick?" the gate guard asked defensively.

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