Chapter 13

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It took a lot of effort to open my eyelids; more then usual. The sight of brass was different as well. I tried to recall the night's events but drew a blank. The last thing I remember was ordering a couple of rounds with Aaron. I closed my eyes again and groaned as a weight descended on my mind.

Make it stop, Cathy groaned.

What happened last night?

I don't know, she answered. Everything went fuzzy. What the Void was that stuff you were drinking?

I don't know but let's stay clear of it in the future.

I opened my eyes again and dragged myself up to my knees. I recognized the brass as a bathing tub and that only added to my confusion.

How did we get in here?

First make the head stop hurting, Cathy groaned.

I raised my fingers to my temples and moaned as the pain drained away.

That's better, she said. Now, why are we cold?

I looked down and sighed.

Because I'm naked.

Searching the room, I found my robes and underclothes in a heap by the bathing tub. I climbed out of the tub, doing my best not to trip, and dressed myself. I went through the door into the next room and saw a figure sleeping in the bed.

"Aaron," I called to him. "It's time to wake up."

He stirred, groaned and sat up in the bed revealing that he was actually a she. Her blond hair was messy and she was very naked from what I could tell. When she saw me, she quickly covered herself up.

"What are you doing in here?!" she screamed.

"What are YOU doing in here?!" I asked. "This is my room!"

"This is MY room!" she yelled. "Get out!"

She grabbed a pillow and threw it at me shouting 'get out' repeatedly. I quickly opened the door and threw myself out of the room, shutting the door behind me to make sure nothing else flew towards me. The number on the door read '4' and I stared at it confused. I WAS in the wrong room. I was supposed to be in '3'.

"How the...?" I asked silently.

I felt Cathy searching through my memories. I can't find any reason, she said.

I headed for Room 3 and opened the door. Laying half on the bed, half off, fully clothed was Aaron. I entered the room and shut the door. The sound from the door made Aaron wake up with a long groan.

"Who's there?" he asked with his eyes still closed.

"Andy," I answered.

He opened his eyes and dragged himself into a sitting position. "Where did you end up last night? You weren't in the room when I got back."

"What happened?" I asked.

Aaron grabbed his head. "I'll tell you as soon as I can think straight."

I walked over to him and placed my two fingers on his temples.

"What are you doi..." he started but then closed his eyes and sighed pleasantly. "Now that's a handy trick. How are you Mages not loaded all the time?"

"How much magic did you see me use last night?" I asked sitting down on the bed beside him.

He laughed. "You couldn't even stand."

"So, what happened?" I chuckled.

"You are a total lightweight, that's what happened," he smiled. "Three pints and you were complaining that you were hot and wanted to take your clothes off. It's understandable seeing as you Mages like to wear those crazy robes but public displays of nudity are frowned upon so I had to convince you to keep your clothes on. You left early in the night to go back to the room but when I came back here I couldn't find you anywhere. Where did you end up?"

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