Chapter 18

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With some food in the stomach and a chance to rest the shoulders and back, I was feeling more energized but the task of assaulting a bandit stronghold was still too much to contemplate. Natalie said to take it one person at a time but that was easier said than done. Natalie was still the only one of us with real battle experience.

Shouldering our packs once more we left the old mining camp as the last light of the sun disappeared over the horizon. The dark blue hue of dusk made visibility tough as we entered the mountainside forest that led down to the city of Malkia. A rock formation slowly came into view in the distance and Natalie warned us to keep our noise down and for Aaron to ready his bow. I searched ahead with my mind but I could only feel the faint humming of something I couldn't identify. Whatever it was, it wasn't alive and couldn't hurt us.

"There's no one in the area," I whispered ahead to Aaron and Natalie. "But I can feel a weird energy disturbance."

"That's comforting," Natalie whispered back.

"Weird how?" Aaron asked.

I struggled to find the right word before just saying the only thing that came to mind. "Unnatural."

"Oh, Chester," Natalie sighed. "What did you do now?"

"I'll scout up ahead and let you know if I see anything," Aaron whispered, already moving forward.

You just said that there was nothing, Cathy said. What is he hoping to find?

Something to impress Natalie?

Quite possible, Cathy agreed. He's been all googly eyes since meeting her.

How haven't I noticed that?

Because you don't notice anything until I tell you? Cathy asked jokingly.

I chuckled and Natalie turned and gave me a weird look.

"What's funny?" she asked.

"Your boyfriend is trying to impress you," I answered.

"I've noticed," she said, turning back to watch Aaron creep.

Oooo, Cathy exclaimed excited. She didn't comment on the 'boyfriend' part.

"And he's not my boyfriend," Natalie added.

HA! She waited too long to say that! Cathy exclaimed. I think there is a love interest going on.

I just laughed and shook my head.

The figure of Aaron motioned to get our attention and we headed towards him, staying quiet. As we drew closer to the rock formation the humming grew louder. I switched from searching with my mind to shielding it from the power.

What the hell is it?

Whatever it is, it is powerful, Cathy answered. Give me a second.

"Come on," Aaron said when we were close enough. "There's something you need to see."

Leading us closer to the rock formation, I noticed that the entrance to the mine was protected by a large wooden door and the entire area was lit by a lantern on a post. Then I noticed the two mummified corpses on their knees next to the door and immediately wished for things to return to the blackness of night.

"Chester's redecorated since I've last been here," Natalie said, failing to disguise her shock with humour.

"Unnatural you said," Aaron said looking at me.

"That's the word," I replied scanning the door.


Yes, I believe that the energy you're reading is coming from a magical barrier created by the life force of those two mummies, Cathy explained. Hit it with a simple Dispel and let's see how strong it is.

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