Chapter 39

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I opened my eyes slowly. A sliver of sunlight shone in through the window and I rolled away from it with a groan. The room was small and sparsely furnished. The bed was the only major piece of furniture and it wasn't even a real bed. Looking closely at it, I was really just lying on top of a bunch of animal skins.

At least it is more comfortable than straw, Cathy said softly.

You're okay!

She chuckled softly. Sorry to freak you out. The Sonic Scream is a big drain of energy. I had to make sure I broke the connection between our magic before it destroyed me. I guess I passed out afterwards.

I did the same. I thought I had lost you.

It will take more than that, she said sweetly.

"Good morning," Sister Carlia said at the doorway. "I hope the skins are comfortable. Our knowledge of humans is low. Nao just plant into the ground when it is time to rest. I've never seen anything be horizontal to rest before."

I chuckled as I sat up. "It is called lying down and it's very comfortable."

"I will take your word for it," she replied. "You have done well, Kairu. The Nao are in awe at your strength and courage. This is something that rarely happens."

"Were you able to perform the ritual?" I asked as I stood up on wobbly legs.

"Yes," she started, "Mistress Velias arrived shortly after you defeated the Masquade. Very impressive fight by the way. It would seem that you have a strong working relationship with the demon inside."

"If Cathy saving my life all the time is a 'working relationship' then yes," I replied.

"Cathy?" Sister Carlia asked confused. "You named the demon?"

"She named herself," I answered.

"Interesting," Sister Carlia said thoughtfully. "Anyways, you will find your equipment by the Life Spring. Join me there when you can. I have been given permission to not only give you what you came here for but also a parting gift on behalf of the Nao."

"Thank you," I said. "Where was my staff? It didn't get destroyed in the battle did it?"

"Your staff was found intact," she answered. "It is made from magic weaved minerals and will not break easily. The crystal was destroyed though with no way of repairing it."

"That's fine," I replied. "The staff was more important. I didn't want to have to go back and ask for another. What about my hat? That thing always seems to get into trouble."

"Apprentice Fawna found it and will not part ways with it," Sister Carlia said. "Your display of magic, both seeing through her Illusion and your fighting seems to have impressed her. She claims that holding onto a relic of the Great Kairu will make her strong like you."

Cathy laughed. Your hat a relic?! I guess there's a first for everything.

I smiled. "Is she close by? I would like to talk to her."

"Of course, you will find her in the scroll room by the Life Spring," she answered.

"Thank you," I said.

Sister Carlia left the room and I stretched my joints. My chest and stomach were still sore and I looked down to see the scars from the Masquade. I was covered in bruises as well and I was more than certain there were a few cracked ribs.

People are often left with much worse after a fight like that, Cathy said.

Oh, I wasn't complaining. Chicks dig scars.

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