Chapter 10

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Darkness fell over the land as the sun disappeared behind me. The transition from the Archanion Field to the Balendar Farmlands was minimal, less hills and more people. It looked like the only thing that prevented the farmers from journeying too far into the Archanion Field was the terrain.

After the long day's travel, I was exhausted and in need of a rest and a hot meal. I threw my pack down next to a tree on the edge of a farm and checked my provisions. The Keeper had obviously decided that the lightest-weight, easy to prepare food was the best for me to take on this trip. A good idea in theory but as I stared at the twelve dried soup packages I realized that I would have preferred to have carried something a little heavier.

Like a sheep.

Plenty of farmland around, Cathy said. Lots of sheep too.

"Don't tempt me," I said as I searched for water to make the soup.

My only source of water was the canteen the Keeper had packed and I had already sucked that dry. Besides, I wasn't prepared to sacrifice it for soup so I kept digging until I found a small cast iron pot.

"So he didn't want to weigh me down with food but cast iron cookware is ok?" I asked before I chuckled.

You better hope he packed a wooden spoon too, Cathy chuckled. Unless you like putting your lips on hot iron.

"We almost kissed," I joked. "So you know I don't."

Cathy laughed sarcastically. I would have rocked your world.

"Then stolen it," I said as I turned my attention back to the pack. Sure enough, next to the pot was a big spoon.

"I don't think the farmers will mind if we borrow a little water," I said as I gathered up the pot, spoon and canteen. "We'll refill then come back here and make a fire to cook."

You can't make a fire out here, Cathy said. The farmers will think you are a bandit or trying to destroy their field.

"So how do I make the soup then?" I asked.

You're a Mage, aren't you? Cathy asked. Hold onto the pot and think warm thoughts.

"I don't have THAT good of control," I said. "I'll just burn it."

I said warm thoughts, Cathy chuckled, not volcanic.

"Well, if it gets too hot, we could just use your heart to cool it back down," I suggest as I headed for the closest farm.

We share the same heart so be careful with your insults, Cathy said playfully.

I sighed and shook my head. The farm was one of the many corn farms that we had passed on the journey. I weaved through the corn stalks quietly as I walked closer to the house. The small well pump was between the edge of the field and the house. I would have to be careful but I had my Illusion spell on stand-by.

I reached out with my mind and stopped as I felt the presence of three people in the corn field slowly moving towards the house. Their minds lay wide open and I was able to read them like a book.

They were here to raid the farms.

My heart started pounding as I reached out with my mind and checked inside the house. Five minds pulsed as the owners of the house dreamed.

I need to wake them up.

Just take care of the bandits, Cathy said. There are only three of them.

I can't just 'take care of them'. I've never killed anyone before.

It's easy, Cathy said. You just do it. Like standing or walking or complaining.

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