Chapter 31

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The excitement in the air was infectious. It had been some time since the Evenawks had cause to celebrate and with the minor victory at the Mine they could feel that bigger things were yet to come.

The sight of stray magic in the distance showed just how close to the Valley we were. Dangling like a piece of meat in Garoks' talons, I strained my eyes to see the battlefield. It looked like we were coming in along the side of the valley which would join us up with Narrilok's troops.

The smart maneuver would be to come from behind them, Cathy suggested. Sandwich the Mages in the opening.

I was thinking the same thing.

I knew you were, Cathy said playfully. That's why I stole your idea.


I patted Garoks' leg. "I need to talk to Bak. We need to change direction," I shouted.

"Why?" he shouted back.

"If we come in from behind we can trap the Mages easier," I answered.

I looked up to see him nod then let loose a loud squawking sound. The squawk was returned from somewhere up ahead and the Evenawks slowed to a hover as Bak approached me.

"What's this about, Daison?" he asked.

"If we attack them head on, they will only overpower us," I answered, getting uncomfortable with the dangling feeling. "We need to circle around to behind their buildings. We can charge them from behind and hit the buildings, freeing the Evenawk workers."

Bak nodded slowly then turned towards the group and squawked. We changed our direction, circling around the battlefield. We were still a good enough distance that the Mages wouldn't spot us but we would have to be careful landing near the buildings.

Bak changed the group's direction and we approached the buildings from behind. Lowering ourselves closer and closer to the ground, the group landed just before a break in the trees to the Valley. The buildings stood on the other side of a large clearing and with the battle in front of the building we would be able to sneak up without problems.

I'd be using my Illusion spell to make us invisible as well for added comfort.

With the transformation complete the Evenawk army of rebels and miners broke from the forest edge into the clearing. I stretched out my mind as I ran with them. The buildings didn't hold very many magical minds and I waited for an opening to plant an Illusion spell. The spell wasn't needed as we crossed the distance quickly.

"Half of you into the buildings," Bak commanded. "The other half, kill the Mages...except Daison."

"Thanks, Bak," I said as we ran past the buildings.

The field in front of us held the Mages in a spread out formation. Evenawk archers in the sky were being shot down by the Mage's Fireballs, Ice Bolts and Lightning Bolts. The land Evenawks were having an equally tough time. The Mages had set up burning barricades that funneled the Evenawks into a slaughter. The Evenawks let out a group war cry, attracting the attention of the Mages.

Not how I would have done it but OK, Cathy said.

I pulled my robe over my head as my skin changed to scales. The Mages were already shifting into a new formation to address this new front line. I sent Pulses out quickly at the Mages to try and shake them up and buy some time. It didn't work as the Mages retaliated against the Evenawks. I tried to take as many of the hits as I could as we reached the first wave of Mages.

The sheer numbers of the Evenawks with the continued attack of the archers was enough to destabilize most of the Mages, although a couple were still able to launch massive Pulses that sent the Evenawk rebels into the air.

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