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(Image: Pelos, 20/07/2020)

Pelos, god of good and of dragons, stood in the crystal palace. The whole of the Crystal pantheon met there, and such trying times prompted another meeting. Every major god or goddess was present. Nukatu, radiant in a dress made of birch bark and leaves gathered at the shoulders, strolled in leaving behind a trail of flora. As the goddess of nature, and the eldest and strongest among the gods, she commanded respect. She wore a crown of wood, and her auburn hair flowed freely down her back. She had a light smattering of freckles dotted on her cheeks and nose and a bright smile. She had the appearance of a young woman, as most gods disliked an appearance that showed their true ages. Her elven name was Naila. 

Pelos himself was dressed in a tight grey and red tunic. His hair was long and dark. He wore dark reddish boots that reached the knee and also had grey pants. A beige overcoat was worn loosely around his shoulders and his dark eyes sparkled. He was worshipped by elves as Syledin. 

Aeliyas was dressed in dark battle armour, and a cape of midnight black. Her face was pale and her hair deep black. She wore a circlet of obsidian with a single tiny ruby set in the center. In her hand, she carried a massive sword, for she was as much a warrior as goddess. She was known was Arkis to the elves. 

Iside was also there. Daughter to Aeliyas, and goddess of winter. The elves knew of her as Imira. Her skin was as white as snow, her eyes the lightest of blue. It was the kind that you saw on ice, and her hair long and as pale as fresh snow. 

Vitaku, also, was there. The brother of Nukatu, and known as Vailus to the elves. He was dressed in similar garb to Nukatu, though his birch bark vest only reached to his waist. His bronzed skin was visible and he had green markings on his arms. His short brown hair stuck straight up and he had an absurd sense of humor. He was one of the friendliest of the gods and always trying out a new joke on the ever wary gods. 

Ziocrat was elsewhere, for the dead always need disciplining. He was the one who made the decision as to whether a spirit went to the Ether or Heresh. 

Portelous, also known as Sergeus, came speeding in one door to rush out the other just as fast. He was the god of wanderers, and so was always dashing this way and that. Today he was wearing smart sandals and a tight fitting tunic of sky blue. People who saw something streak through the sky could easily have seen Portelus as a shooting star. 

Pelos walked to the center of the room and clapped his hands for silence.

"Are we all here?" He asked.

"Nay. We wait still for Syori and Homina. Also for Atunika and Haeseani." Vikatu answered, "Hey, have you heard this joke-"

"Yes. A thousand times! Every day you try." Aeliyas interrupted him, "Besides, we wait for Kruatum and Taia. Has Eletrik sent word of whether she will be coming or not?"

A fire blazed in the northern corner of the room and the form of a man slowly appeared.

"That would be Kruatum. He never fails to use his powers to impress." Vitaku muttered, "Funny why the elves call him Firagia. Have you heard this-"

"No!" Aeliyas yelled.

Outside, a thunderstorm was brewing. Pelos looked out expectantly. Lightning flashed, and he turned to the assembled gods, "Eletrik will not be coming. She is... occupied."

"Raenia? Ah, right. Yes, the elves have confused me. Why create different names for us?" Kruatum muttered.

"Will Seryna be attending? The matter we will be discussing is of utmost importance." Sylune asked impatiently from where she had entered the hall. She wore a leather breastplate and had flowing auburn hair. She held a bow in her right hand and had a quiver strapped to her back. A string of hares and squirrels hung on her belt, for she had come right from hunting. The other gods turned to her.

"Sylune! You have no right to intrude upon the Crystal Pantheon!" Pelos scolded.

Sylune scoffed.

"So I am less, because my mother was elven? You sired me, father!" She spat. She turned pleadingly to Nutaku, where she stood with Vitaku.

"My people are dying because of our wrong judgement! I deserve to know what is going on! So I am only half godly. Does it matter? No. In fact, I am stronger, because I do not have to adhere to the Ancient Laws like you do! Anaelus destroys your creation. He wants revenge for what you did. Innocents suffer for your mistakes!" She cried, then softer, she said, "Let me be the one to set it right."

Pelos stared at her. His daughter, and a proud goddess to bargain.

"Stay, Sylune. You've earned it." He sighed.

She went to stand next to Nutaku, but then turned to Pelos once again, "Also, Atynous cannot make it, and neither can Varnium. Varsyk and Nillae will be delayed."

"Thank you. However, It would be great if you could use our proper names, not the elven ones, as it confuses us."

"I apologize. I meant that Atunika and Haesani cannot make it. And Syori and Homina will be late."

"Taia cannot come. The seasonal godddesses besides Iside who is with us cannot make it as they are else occupied." Aeliyas said.

"And how do you know, sister?" Pelos asked.

She held open her palm, where a tiny image of three goddesses showed. They were trapped in a golden cage. She smirked.

"As I said, they were else occupied."

"Sister! What have you to do with this? What have you done to them?"

She smiled sweetly, "Nothing, I just gave my followers the powers necessary to trap a goddess. Or should I say, three goddesses?"

Pelos growled, "Sister! How could you?"

"I will release them, if you let my minions rule Dargon." She smiled sweetly.

Pelos tugged at his hair, "Urgh! You are insatiable. No power is enough for you! We have enough troubles and yet you still scheme to be at the top!"

Her eyes hardened, "Yes. I will not be denied. True power will rule."

"Fine. Evil will unite against evil. Demons will be vanquished. You will hold power only long enough to save Dargon, is that understood?"

"Certainly, brother." Aeliyas mocked, before swaggering out of the chamber.

Pelos sighed. As the one who had called the council, he held the most power, and he could feel their agreement sapping him of power as it flowed into Aeliyas. Such was the nature of the pact of the gods. As the eldest of the gods, Nukatu would normally be the one who held the power, but Pelos had called council, elevating his power as the leader.

Lightning struck the center of the room.

Dargon's fate was sealed.

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It's my birthday today (22nd July) so I thought I would post the Prologue to Shattered Kingdoms. I had intended to wait and post a couple of chapters at a time, but a birthday only happens once a year.

22/07/19 - First Published

Added Pelos's image: 10/07/2020 (Nearly my birthday AGAIN!)

Updated Pelo's image: 20/07/2020

Shattered Kingdoms | Book 2 ✔ (REWRITING AS 'THE EXILED KING')Where stories live. Discover now